REPORT zdtp_massdownload.
* Mass download version 1.5.5.
* Allows a user to download programs, Functions, DD definitions, etc to the presentation server. This version searches
* recursively for nested includes and function modules, and allows you to download the resulting code as standard text
* or HTML web pages within a suitable directory structure.
* You can either search by object name, using wildcards if you wish, or a combination of Author and object name. If
* you want all objects returned for a particular author then select the author name and choose the most suitable
* radiobutton. All objects will be returned if the fields to the right hand side of the radiobutton are left completely
* blank.
* Compatible with R/3 Enterprise and Netweaver, for older versions of SAP you will need Direct Download version 5.xx.
* This version removes the programming limitations imposed by developing across SAP releases 3 to 4.6.
* In order to be able to download files to the SAP server you must first set up a logical filepath within transaction
* 'FILE', or use an existing one. You must also create a external operating system command in SM69 called ZDTX_MKDIR. This
* will then be used to create any directories needed on the SAP server
* This program is intended to allow a person to keep a visual representation of a program for backup purposes only as
* has not been designed to allow programs to be uploaded to SAP systems.
* Author : Copyright (C) 1998 E.G.Mellodew
* program contact : www.dalestech.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* SAP Tables
TABLES: trdir, seoclass, tfdir, enlfdir, dd02l, tadiv, dd40l, transfdesc.
TYPE-POOLS: abap, seor.
* Types
* text element structure
TYPES: ttexttable LIKE textpool.
* GUI titles
TYPES: tguititle LIKE d347t.
* Message classes
TYPES: BEGIN OF tmessage,
arbgb LIKE t100-arbgb,
stext LIKE t100a-stext,
msgnr LIKE t100-msgnr,
text LIKE t100-text,
END OF tmessage.
* Screen flow.
TYPES: BEGIN OF tscreenflow,
screen LIKE d020s-dnum,
code LIKE d022s-line,
END OF tscreenflow.
* Holds all domain texts
TYPES: BEGIN OF tdomainstructure,
domname TYPE domname,
domvalue_l TYPE domvalue_l,
domvalue_h TYPE domvalue_l,
ddtext TYPE val_text,
END OF tdomainstructure.
* Holds a table\structure definition
TYPES: BEGIN OF tdicttablestructure,
fieldname LIKE dd03l-fieldname,
position LIKE dd03l-position,
keyflag LIKE dd03l-keyflag,
rollname LIKE dd03l-rollname,
domname LIKE dd03l-domname,
datatype LIKE dd03l-datatype,
leng LIKE dd03l-leng,
lowercase TYPE lowercase,
ddtext LIKE dd04t-ddtext,
idomains TYPE tdomainstructure OCCURS 0,
END OF tdicttablestructure.
*-- Holds a table type
TYPES: BEGIN OF ttabletype,
typename TYPE ttypename, " Name of table type
rowtype TYPE ttrowtype, " Name of row type for table types
ttypkind TYPE ttypkind, " Category of table type (range or general table type)
range_ctyp TYPE range_ctyp, " Elem. type of LOW and HIGH components of a Ranges type
reftype TYPE ddreftype, " Type of Object Referenced
occurs TYPE ddoccurs, " Initial Line Number for Table Types
ddtext TYPE ddtext, " Description
END OF ttabletype.
* Holds a tables attributes + its definition
TYPES: BEGIN OF tdicttable,
tablename LIKE dd03l-tabname,
tabletitle LIKE dd02t-ddtext,
istructure TYPE tdicttablestructure OCCURS 0,
END OF tdicttable.
TYPES: BEGIN OF tdictfilename,
tablename LIKE dd03l-tabname,
filename TYPE string,
END OF tdictfilename.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ttransformation,
xsltname LIKE trdir-name,
xsltdesc LIKE tftit-stext,
subc LIKE trdir-subc,
END OF ttransformation.
* Include program names
TYPES: BEGIN OF tinclude,
includename LIKE trdir-name,
includetitle LIKE tftit-stext,
END OF tinclude.
* Exception class texts
TYPES: BEGIN OF tconcept,
constname TYPE string,
concept TYPE sotr_conc,
END OF tconcept.
* Method
TYPES: BEGIN OF tmethod,
descript LIKE vseomethod-descript,
exposure LIKE vseomethod-exposure,
methodkey TYPE string,
END OF tmethod.
* Interfaces
TYPES: BEGIN OF tinterface,
interfacename LIKE vseoclass-clsname,
END OF tinterface.
* Class
clsname LIKE vseoclass-clsname,
descript LIKE vseoclass-descript,
msg_id LIKE vseoclass-msg_id,
exposure LIKE vseoclass-exposure,
state LIKE vseoclass-state,
clsfinal LIKE vseoclass-clsfinal,
r3release LIKE vseoclass-r3release,
imethods TYPE tmethod OCCURS 0,
idictstruct TYPE tdicttable OCCURS 0,
itextelements TYPE ttexttable OCCURS 0,
imessages TYPE tmessage OCCURS 0,
iinterfaces TYPE tinterface OCCURS 0,
iconcepts TYPE tconcept OCCURS 0,
itabletypes TYPE ttabletype OCCURS 0,
itransformations TYPE ttransformation OCCURS 0,
textelementkey TYPE string,
publicclasskey TYPE string,
privateclasskey TYPE string,
protectedclasskey TYPE string,
typesclasskey TYPE string,
exceptionclass TYPE abap_bool,
END OF tclass.
* function modules
TYPES: BEGIN OF tfunction,
functionname LIKE tfdir-funcname,
functiongroup LIKE enlfdir-area,
includenumber LIKE tfdir-include,
functionmaininclude LIKE tfdir-funcname,
functiontitle LIKE tftit-stext,
topincludename LIKE tfdir-funcname,
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