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# PyAlsaAudio For documentation, see http://larsimmisch.github.io/pyalsaaudio/ > Author: Casper Wilstrup (cwi@aves.dk) > Maintainer: Lars Immisch (lars@ibp.de) This package contains wrappers for accessing the [ALSA](http://www.alsa-project.org/) API from Python. It is currently fairly complete for PCM devices, and has some support for mixers. If you find bugs in the wrappers please open an issue in the issue tracker. Please don't send bug reports regarding ALSA specifically. There are several bugs in the ALSA API, and those should be reported to the ALSA team - not me. This software is licensed under the PSF license - the same one used by the majority of the python distribution. Basically you can use it for anything you wish (even commercial purposes). There is no warranty whatsoever. # Installation ## PyPI To install pyalsaaudio via `pip` (or `easy_install`): ``` $ pip install pyalsaaudio ``` ## Manual installation *Note:* the wrappers need a kernel with ALSA support, and the ALSA library and headers. The installation of these varies from distribution to distribution. On Debian or Ubuntu, make sure to install `libasound2-dev`. On Arch, install `alsa-lib`. When in doubt, search your distribution for a package that contains `libasound.so` and `asoundlib.h`. First, get the sources and change to the source directory: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio.git $ cd pyalsaaudio ``` Then, build: ``` $ python setup.py build ``` And install: ``` $ sudo python setup.py install ``` # Using the API The API documentation is included in the doc subdirectory of the source distribution; it is also online on [http://larsimmisch.github.io/pyalsaaudio/](http://larsimmisch.github.io/pyalsaaudio/). There are some example programs included with the source: * [playwav.py](https://github.com/larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio/blob/master/playwav.py) plays back a wav file * [playbacktest.py](https://github.com/larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio/blob/master/playbacktest.py) plays back raw sound data read from stdin * [recordtest.py](https://github.com/larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio/blob/master/recordtest.py) captures sound from the microphone and writes it raw to stdout. * [mixertest.py](https://github.com/larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio/blob/master/mixertest.py) can be used to manipulate the mixers.


pyalsaaudio-master.zip 大约有25个文件
  1. pyalsaaudio-master/
  2. pyalsaaudio-master/.gitignore 80B
  3. pyalsaaudio-master/CHANGES 2.62KB
  4. pyalsaaudio-master/LICENSE 2.47KB
  5. pyalsaaudio-master/MANIFEST.in 137B
  6. pyalsaaudio-master/NOTES.md 386B
  7. pyalsaaudio-master/README.md 2.28KB
  8. pyalsaaudio-master/TODO 104B
  9. pyalsaaudio-master/alsaaudio.c 71.12KB
  10. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/
  11. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/Makefile 2.26KB
  12. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/README.md 498B
  13. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/conf.py 4.86KB
  14. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/index.rst 756B
  15. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/libalsaaudio.rst 21.89KB
  16. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/pyalsaaudio.rst 4.43KB
  17. pyalsaaudio-master/doc/terminology.rst 3.15KB
  18. pyalsaaudio-master/isine.py 2.72KB
  19. pyalsaaudio-master/mixertest.py 3.71KB
  20. pyalsaaudio-master/play_rusage.py 540B
  21. pyalsaaudio-master/playbacktest.py 1.37KB
  22. pyalsaaudio-master/playwav.py 1.53KB
  23. pyalsaaudio-master/recordtest.py 1.94KB
  24. pyalsaaudio-master/setup.py 1.41KB
  25. pyalsaaudio-master/test.py 4.02KB
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其他资源 MATLAB代码:综合能源系统优化模型概述及其鲁棒优化 主要内容: 本文在分析典型冷热电联供(combined cooling
MATLAB代码:综合能源系统优化模型概述及其鲁棒优化 主要内容: 本文在分析典型冷热电联供(combined cooling, heat and power, CCHP)系统的基础上, 并结合其他优秀lunwen加以补充模型中的不足处, 并围绕该系统结构设计了微网调度优化模型构架. 在该结构中, 选取电气、烟气、蒸汽、热水、空气作为基本母线, 与源、负荷、储能和转换装置联接形成微网. 使用该结构对各设备进行独立建模, 有助于CCHP系统的灵活配置和通用建模. 围绕该结构,建立联供型微网日前动态经济调度的混合整数非线性规划模型, 最后通过测试算例证实了建立模型的合理性和有效性, 并补充部分鲁棒优化理论. 关键词:冷热电联供系统, 微网, 日前经济调度, 混合整数非线性规划
主要内容: 本文在分析典型冷热电联供(combined cooling
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雅马哈机械手程序 程序里有跟相机Socket通信数据处理,此流程为锁螺丝,对每个螺丝位置进行拿照定位补偿,托盘定义里也设计到,
含光伏的储能选址定容模型 14节点 程序采用改进粒子群算法,对分析14节点配网系统中的储能选址定容方案,并得到储能的出力情况,有
含光伏的储能选址定容模型 14节点 程序采用改进粒子群算法,对分析14节点配网系统中的储能选址定容方案,并得到储能的出力情况,有相关参考资料 这段程序是一个粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)的实现,用于求解一个电力系统的优化问题。下面我将对程序的各个部分进行详细分析。 首先,程序开始时进行了一些参数的初始化。其中,c1、wmax、wmin、wh、c2、maxgen、sizepop、Vmax、Vmin、Dim、lb、ub等变量都是算法中的参数或限制条件。这些参数的具体含义如下: - c1和c2是粒子群算法中的加速因子,用于调节粒子的速度更新。 - wmax和wmin是惯性权重的上下限,用于调节粒子的速度更新。 - wh是惯性权重的初始值。 - maxgen是进化次数,即算法迭代的次数。 - sizepop是种群规模,即粒子的数量。 - Vmax和Vmin是速度的上下限。 - Dim是粒子的维度,即问题的变量个数。 - lb和ub是每个变量的取值范围的上下限。 接下来,程序使用随机数生成了初始粒子的位置和速度,并计算了初始粒子的适应度。这里使
含光伏的储能选址定容模型 14节点
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无线电能传输 wpt 磁耦合谐振 过零检测 matlab simulink仿真 pwm MOSFET,过零检测模块 基于二极管整流的无线电能传输设计 基于同步整流的无线电能传输设计(含过零比较) 两个一起
无线电能传输 wpt 磁耦合谐振 过零检测
matlab simulink仿真 pwm MOSFET,过零检测模块
report ETL .ffff
report ETL .ffff
西门子s7 200smart与3台欧姆龙E5cc温控器通讯控 功能:可以直接应用现场 实现西门子s7 200smart对3台欧姆
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西门子s7 200smart与3台欧姆龙E5cc温控器通讯控 功能:可以直接应用现场 实现西门子s7 200smart对3台欧姆
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