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Typst is a new markup-based typesetting system that is designed to be as powerful as LaTeX while being much easier to learn and use. Typst has: - Built-in markup for the most common formatting tasks - Flexible functions for everything else - A tightly integrated scripting system - Math typesetting, bibliography management, and more - Fast compile times thanks to incremental compilation - Friendly error messages in case something goes wrong This repository contains the Typst compiler and its CLI, which is everything you need to compile Typst documents locally. For the best writing experience, consider signing up to our [collaborative online editor][app] for free. It is currently in public beta. ## Example A [gentle introduction][tutorial] to Typst is available in our documentation. However, if you want to see the power of Typst encapsulated in one image, here it is:


Let's dissect what's going on: - We use _set rules_ to configure element properties like the size of pages or the numbering of headings. By setting the page height to `auto`, it scales to fit the content. Set rules accommodate the most common configurations. If you need full control, you can also use [show rules][show] to completely redefine the appearance of an element. - We insert a heading with the `= Heading` syntax. One equals sign creates a top level heading, two create a subheading and so on. Typst has more lightweight markup like this, see the [syntax] reference for a full list. - [Mathematical equations][math] are enclosed in dollar signs. By adding extra spaces around the contents of an equation, we can put it into a separate block. Multi-letter identifiers are interpreted as Typst definitions and functions unless put into quotes. This way, we don't need backslashes for things like `floor` and `sqrt`. And `phi.alt` applies the `alt` modifier to the `phi` to select a particular symbol variant. - Now, we get to some [scripting]. To input code into a Typst document, we can write a hash followed by an expression. We define two variables and a recursive function to compute the n-th fibonacci number. Then, we display the results in a center-aligned table. The table function takes its cells row-by-row. Therefore, we first pass the formulas `$F_1$` to `$F_8$` and then the computed fibonacci numbers. We apply the spreading operator (`..`) to both because they are arrays and we want to pass the arrays' items as individual arguments.
Text version of the code example. ```typst #set page(width: 10cm, height: auto) #set heading(numbering: "1.") = Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci sequence is defined through the recurrence relation $F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2)$. It can also be expressed in _closed form:_ $ F_n = round(1 / sqrt(5) phi.alt^n), quad phi.alt = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 $ #let count = 8 #let nums = range(1, count + 1) #let fib(n) = ( if n <= 2 { 1 } else { fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } ) The first #count numbers of the sequence are: #align(center, table( columns: count, ..nums.map(n => $F_#n$), ..nums.map(n => str(fib(n))), )) ```
## Installation Typst's CLI is available from different sources: - You can get sources and pre-built binaries for the latest release of Typst from the [releases page][releases]. Download the archive for your platform and place it in a directory that is in your `PATH`. To stay up to date with future releases, you can simply run `typst update`. - You can install Typst through different package managers. Note that the versions in the package managers might lag behind the latest release. - Linux: View [Typst on Repology][repology] - macOS: `brew install typst` - Windows: `winget install --id Typst.Typst` - If you have a [Rust][rust] toolchain installed, you can also install the latest development version with `cargo install --git https://github.com/typst/typst --locked typst-cli`. Note that this will be a "nightly" version that may be broken or not yet properly documented. - Nix users can use the `typst` package with `nix-shell -p typst` or build and run the bleeding edge version with `nix run github:typst/typst -- --version`. - Docker users can run a prebuilt image with `docker run -it ghcr.io/typst/typst:latest`. ## Usage Once you have installed Typst, you can use it like this: ```sh # Creates `file.pdf` in working directory. typst compile file.typ # Creates PDF file at the desired path. typst compile path/to/source.typ path/to/output.pdf ``` You can also watch source files and automatically recompile on changes. This is faster than compiling from scratch each time because Typst has incremental compilation. ```sh # Watches source files and recompiles on changes. typst watch file.typ ``` Typst further allows you to add custom font paths for your project and list all of the fonts it discovered: ```sh # Adds additional directories to search for fonts. typst compile --font-path path/to/fonts file.typ # Lists all of the discovered fonts in the system and the given directory. typst fonts --font-path path/to/fonts # Or via environment variable (Linux syntax). TYPST_FONT_PATHS=path/to/fonts typst fonts ``` For other CLI subcommands and options, see below: ```sh # Prints available subcommands and options. typst help # Prints detailed usage of a subcommand. typst help watch ``` If you prefer an integrated IDE-like experience with autocompletion and instant preview, you can also check out the [Typst web app][app], which is currently in public beta. ## Community The main place where the community gathers is our [Discord server][discord]. Feel free to join there to ask questions, help out others, share cool things you created with Typst, or just to chat. Aside from that there are a few places where you can find things built by the community: - The official [package list](https://typst.app/docs/packages) - The [Awesome Typst](https://github.com/qjcg/awesome-typst) repository If you had a bad experience in our community, please [reach out to us][contact]. ## Contributing We would love to see contributions from the community. If you experience bugs, feel free to open an issue. If you would like to implement a new feature or bug fix, please follow the steps outlined in the [contribution guide][contributing]. To build Typst yourself, first ensure that you have the [latest stable


typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip 大约有5个文件
  1. typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/
  2. typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/LICENSE 9.67KB
  3. typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/NOTICE 62.68KB
  4. typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/README.md 10.62KB
  5. typst-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/typst.exe 32.32MB
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其他资源 vm的远程登录软件SecureCRTPortable和MobaXterm-Personal
打开压缩包第一个目录下MobaXterm_Personal_23.2.exe是一个远程登录软件,打开03.SecureCRTSecureFX目录,此目录下SecureCRTPortable.exe是另一个登录软件。 在用MobaXterm_Personal时,点击左上角的session中的ssh输入ip地址和名字即可连接设备;在用SecureCRTPortable时点击左上角第二个快速连接,点击协议ssh输入ip和用户名即可连接
通过MDVS-SDK,分别注册4个回调函数,实现4个工业RGB相机同时视频采集及显示,代码基于Qt 5.12和Opencv3开发。其中显示部分只完成一个相机的实时显示。
对数据文件data.csv在根据课程设计要求在IDEA中编写Spark程序并打包成jar包,并且将数据文件data.csv上传到HDFS中,提交jar包到Spark集群中运行。 data.csv里面包含餐厅数据,可以用记事本打开查看,主要包含以下13个字段,字段之间由逗号分隔: "所属年月","商家名称","主营类型","店铺URL","特色菜","累计评论数","累计销售人次","店铺评分","本月销量","本月销售额","城市","商家地址","电话" 课程设计要求完成以下任务,在IDEA中创建Maven项目,提供pom.xml文件给大家,完成以下任务。 一、将data.csv文件上传到hdfs的/cateringdata/目录下。 二、编写Spark程序,实现以下功能,并且将程序打包为jar包 1.去掉"本月销量","本月销售额"(第8列和第9列)的数据异常(数据为空字符串或者null或者为0),并且统计去掉了多少条;这一步清洗获得的数据要以逗号分割,存到hdfs的/foodsparktask1目录下; 2.去掉"店铺评分"数据为null的数据,并统计去掉了多少条; 3.去掉"店
前端页面(使用html+js+css实现轮播图效果) 前端页面(使用html+js+css实现轮播图效果) 前端页面(使用html+js+css实现轮播图效果)
2.任务一:分组聚合订单 售货门店客户订单信息表记录着有关客户的订单信息。 从客户的角度出发,分析客户订单信息表中的数据,了解客户订单状况,按照客户订单数据进行聚合计算,对客户订单消费金额从高到低进行排序,了解哪些客户的消费金额较多,并为这些客户提供更好的服务。 针对“order_list.csv”表实现以下几个步骤: (1) 建立【分组聚合客户订单】转换工程。 (2) 获取客户的详细订单数据。 (3) 分组聚合统计客户的订单数据,聚合统计客户的消费金额。 (4) 装载和解读结果数据。对于聚合统计好的客户订单数据,按照客户消费金额,从高到低进行排序,再将排序后的数据装载至Excel文件中,并对结果数据进行解读。 3.任务二:计算各商品销售金额 售货门店客户订单的详情数据,记录着订单中的每种商品销售的数量、价格等数据。 从商品销售的角度出发,分析商品的销售数据,计算各种商品的销售金额,以便了解商品的销售情况,分析哪些商品属于热销或滞销商品,为商品的销售提供更好的运营决策。 (1) 建立【计算各商品销售金额】转换工程。 (2) 获取和筛选数据。分析数据,通过分析获得需要过滤的字段名称,开展