# ![logo](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/389021/16107646/9729e556-33d8-11e6-933f-5b09fa3a53bb.png)
> GFM Markdown WYSIWYG Editor - Productive and Extensible
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## Wrappers
- [toast-ui.vue-editor](https://github.com/nhnent/toast-ui.vue-editor): Vue wrapper component is powered by [NHN Entertainment](https://github.com/nhnent).
- [toast-ui.react-editor](https://github.com/nhnent/toast-ui.react-editor): React wrapper component is powered by [NHN Entertainment](https://github.com/nhnent).
- [ember-tui-editor](https://github.com/evocount/ember-tui-editor): Ember wrapper component by [@evocount](https://github.com/evocount). Thanks for their effort.
## ð© Table of Contents
- [Collect statistics on the use of open source](#collect-statistics-on-the-use-of-open-source)
- [Browser Support](#-browser-support)
- [Standard and Extensible](#-standard-and-extensible)
- [CommonMark + GFM Specifications](#commonmark--gfm-specifications)
- [Powerful Extensions](#powerful-extensions)
- [Features](#-features)
- [Productive Markdown mode](#productive-markdown-mode)
- [Easy WYSIWYG mode](#easy-wysiwyg-mode)
- [And more](#and-more)
- [Install](#-install)
- [using npm](#using-npm)
- [using bower](#using-bower)
- [Via Contents Delivery Network (CDN)](#via-contents-delivery-network-cdn)
- [Download](#download)
- [Usage](#-usage)
- [Editor](#editor)
- [HTML](#html)
- [javascript](#javascript)
- [options](#options)
- [Viewer](#viewer)
- [Docs](#-docs)
- [Examples](#-examples)
- [Contributing](#-contributing)
- [TOAST UI Family](#-toast-ui-family)
- [Used By](#-used-by)
- [License](#-license)
## Collect statistics on the use of open source
TOAST UI Editor applies Google Analytics (GA) to collect statistics on the use of open source, in order to identify how widely TOAST UI Editor is used throughout the world. It also serves as important index to determine the future course of projects. location.hostname (e.g. > âui.toast.com") is to be collected and the sole purpose is nothing but to measure statistics on the usage. To disable GA, use the following `usageStatistics` options when creating editor.
var options = {
usageStatistics: false
var editor = new Editor(options);
Or, include `tui-code-snippet.js` (**v1.4.0** or **later**) and then immediately write the options as follows:
tui.usageStatistics = false;
## ð Browser Support
Chrome |
Internet Explorer |
Edge |
Safari |
Firefox |
| :---------: | :---------: | :---------: | :---------: | :---------: |
| Yes | 10+ | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Standard and Extensible
![standard and extensible image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1215767/34353629-95b58da0-ea6c-11e7-859b-df5e990dd157.png)
### CommonMark + GFM Specifications
Today *CommonMark* is the de-facto *Markdown* standard. *GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)* is another popular specification based on *CommonMark* - maintained by *GitHub*, which is the *Markdown* mostly used.
**TOAST UI Editor** respects both [*CommonMark*](http://commonmark.org/) and [*GFM*](https://github.github.com/gfm/) specifications. Write documents with ease using productive tools provided by **TOAST UI Editor** and you can easily open the produced document wherever the specifications are supported.
### Powerful Extensions
*CommonMark* and *GFM* are great, but we often need more abstraction. The **TOAST UI Editor** comes with powerful **Extensions** in compliance with the *Markdown* syntax. You also get the flexibility to develop your own extensions using simple APIs.
Here are some of the extensions you can start with:
* **Color picker**: [ColorPicker](https://github.com/nhnent/tui.color-picker) provides an easy way to color text with a GUI tool box
* **Chart code block**: A Code block marked as a 'chart' will render [charts](https://github.com/nhnent/tui.chart)
* **UML code block**: A Code block marked as an 'uml' will render [UML diagrams](http://plantuml.com/screenshot)
* **Table merge**: You can merge columns and rows in tables
To learn more about **Extensions** check the [Using Extension](https://github.com/nhnent/tui.editor/blob/master/docs/using-extensions.md)
## ð¨ Features
**TOAST UI Editor** provides **Markdown mode** and **WYSIWYG mode**.
Depending on the type of use you want like production of *Markdown* or maybe to just edit the *Markdown*. The **TOAST UI Editor** can be helpful for both the usage. It offers **Markdown mode** and **WYSIWYG mode**, which can be switched any point in time.
### Productive Markdown mode
![markdown image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1215767/34354737-b98a0736-ea73-11e7-8375-d4c83b8894d8.png)
* **Live Preview**: Edit Markdown while keeping an eye on the rendered HTML. Your edits will be applied immediately
* **Scrolling Sync**: Synchronous scrolling between Markdown and Preview. You don't need to scroll through each one separately
* **Auto indent**: The cursor will always be where you want it to be
* **Syntax highlight**: You can check broken Markdown syntax immediately
### Easy WYSIWYG mode
![wysiwyg image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1215767/34354831-5f04c7e6-ea74-11e7-9664-97f71c4fee6e.png)
* **Copy and paste**: Paste anything from browser, screenshot, excel, powerpoint, etc.
* **Codeblock editor**: Highlight 170+ languages with full size code editor
* **Table**: Hate the Markdown table? You can do everything with a mouse
### And more
* **i18n**: English, Dutch, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Ukrainian, Turkish, Finnish, Czech, Arabic, Polish + language you extend.
* **Viewer**: Renders Markdown content with extensions
## ð¾ Install
### using npm
npm install --save tui-editor
### using bower
bower install --save tui-editor
### Via Contents Delivery Network (CDN)
TOAST UI products are available over the CDN powered by [TOAST Cloud](https://www.toast.com).
You can use the CDN as below.
tui-editor.zip 大约有34个文件
- tui-editor/
- tui-editor/LICENSE 1.05KB
- tui-editor/README.md 14.07KB
- tui-editor/dist/
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-2x.png 23.92KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor-all.js 1.26MB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor-all.min.js 444.25KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor-full.js 2.72MB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor-full.min.js 1.28MB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor.js 920.19KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Editor.min.js 321.58KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer-all.js 457.97KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer-all.min.js 149.8KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer-full.js 1.54MB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer-full.min.js 812.18KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer.js 125KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer.min.js 36.81KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-contents.css 5.28KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-contents.min.css 4.32KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extChart.js 203.9KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extChart.min.js 72.21KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extColorSyntax.js 14.54KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extColorSyntax.min.js 5.35KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extScrollSync.js 38.68KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extScrollSync.min.js 11.55KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extTable.js 126.66KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extTable.min.js 39.99KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extUML.js 6.94KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-extUML.min.js 2.51KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor.css 31.92KB
- tui-editor/dist/tui-editor.min.css 27.07KB
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- tui-editor/index.d.ts 16.52KB
- tui-editor/package.json 3.79KB