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Former time trio.zip

行业研究 37.77MB 44 需要积分: 1


Former time trio.zip
如果你通关了,希望你能去联系作者让我知道() 作者UID:597982938 作者QQ:2227062858 使用库: bs: 作者:yxy gaster_blaster: 作者:Alexia Tilde Github地址:https://github.com/AllyTally/gaster-blasters/ Fake UI, KR and HP: 作者:Cezar Andrade MakeBone: 作者:upizpp


Former time trio.zip 大约有192个文件
  1. Former time trio/Lua/Encounters/By upizpp.lua 2.39KB
  2. Former time trio/Lua/Waves/Fight.lua 34.51KB
  3. Former time trio/
  4. Former time trio/Audio/
  5. Former time trio/Lua/
  6. Former time trio/Sounds/
  7. Former time trio/Sprites/
  8. Former time trio/模板作者upizpp(勿删).txt 52B
  9. Former time trio/README(游戏游玩者必看).TXT 308B
  10. Former time trio/Audio/[Inverted Fate] One Shall Prevail (Jlucher Cover).ogg 5.73MB
  11. Former time trio/Audio/Choice.ogg 5.55MB
  12. Former time trio/Audio/OnceUponATime.ogg 2.91MB
  13. Former time trio/Audio/Lazybones V3.ogg 2.27MB
  14. Former time trio/Audio/MXBC.ogg 6.05MB
  15. Former time trio/Lua/Encounters/
  16. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/
  17. Former time trio/Lua/Monsters/
  18. Former time trio/Lua/Waves/
  19. Former time trio/Sounds/bone2.wav 127.83KB
  20. Former time trio/Sounds/click.wav 15.63KB
  21. Former time trio/Sounds/ding.ogg 11.29KB
  22. Former time trio/Sounds/encounter.wav 28.83KB
  23. Former time trio/Sounds/logo.ogg 38.74KB
  24. Former time trio/Sounds/GasterBlaster/
  25. Former time trio/Sounds/Phase 2.ogg 3.88MB
  26. Former time trio/Sounds/show.ogg 37.85KB
  27. Former time trio/Sounds/slam.wav 106.33KB
  28. Former time trio/Sounds/bolt.wav 191.33KB
  29. Former time trio/Sounds/Voices/
  30. Former time trio/Sounds/warn3.wav 26.61KB
  31. Former time trio/Sounds/trident.wav 214.33KB
  32. Former time trio/Sounds/warn1.wav 216.54KB
  33. Former time trio/Sounds/warn2.ogg 21.59KB
  34. Former time trio/Sounds/bone1.wav 86.33KB
  35. Former time trio/Sounds/Phase 1.ogg 3.95MB
  36. Former time trio/Sounds/Phase 1.5.ogg 1.21MB
  37. Former time trio/Sounds/Phase 2.5.ogg 1.5MB
  38. Former time trio/Sounds/Phase 1 Short.ogg 3.65MB
  39. Former time trio/Sounds/slice.wav 94.92KB
  40. Former time trio/Sprites/background.png 582B
  41. Former time trio/Sprites/bg.png 2.26KB
  42. Former time trio/Sprites/black.png 993B
  43. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/
  44. Former time trio/Sprites/empty.png 194B
  45. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/
  46. Former time trio/Sprites/logo.png 47.7KB
  47. Former time trio/Sprites/mask.png 1.93KB
  48. Former time trio/Sprites/pf.png 172B
  49. Former time trio/Sprites/pf2.png 161B
  50. Former time trio/Sprites/px.png 90B
  51. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/
  52. Former time trio/Sprites/warn.png 201B
  53. Former time trio/Sprites/arena.png 1KB
  54. Former time trio/Sprites/rightwide.png 960B
  55. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/BlueSoul.lua 14.19KB
  56. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/Fake UI, KR and HP.lua 27.13KB
  57. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/FightTemplate.lua 1.86KB
  58. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/Gaster Blaster.lua 7.25KB
  59. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/MakeBone.lua 6.64KB
  60. Former time trio/Lua/Libraries/SansAnim.lua 1.11KB
  61. Former time trio/Lua/Monsters/sans.lua 1.04KB
  62. Former time trio/Lua/Waves/Menu.lua 2.11KB
  63. Former time trio/Sounds/GasterBlaster/Fire.wav 347.76KB
  64. Former time trio/Sounds/GasterBlaster/Intro.wav 151.95KB
  65. Former time trio/Sounds/Voices/sans.wav 24.4KB
  66. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/
  67. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/
  68. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/0.png 174B
  69. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/1.png 170B
  70. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/2.png 197B
  71. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/3.png 209B
  72. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/4.png 196B
  73. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/5.png 197B
  74. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/6.png 201B
  75. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/7.png 220B
  76. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/8.png 188B
  77. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/9.png 188B
  78. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/ACT 0.png 766B
  79. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/ACT 1.png 651B
  80. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Barra.png 81B
  81. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/
  82. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/FIGHT 0.png 858B
  83. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/FIGHT 1.png 754B
  84. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Heart.png 234B
  85. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/HP.png 186B
  86. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/ITEM 0.png 854B
  87. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/ITEM 1.png 705B
  88. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/KR.png 221B
  89. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/
  90. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/LV.png 237B
  91. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/MERCY 0.png 903B
  92. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/MERCY 1.png 812B
  93. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/slash.png 228B
  94. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/
  95. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/
  96. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/
  97. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/1.png 223B
  98. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/2.png 169B
  99. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/3.png 168B
  100. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/B.png 124B
  101. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/H.png 156B
  102. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Super/
  103. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Ins/
  104. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/
  105. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/
  106. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/
  107. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/
  108. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/
  109. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/A.png 188B
  110. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/B.png 204B
  111. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/C.png 199B
  112. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/D.png 182B
  113. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/E.png 208B
  114. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/F.png 215B
  115. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/G.png 203B
  116. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/H.png 181B
  117. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/I.png 214B
  118. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/J.png 206B
  119. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/K.png 184B
  120. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/L.png 214B
  121. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/M.png 218B
  122. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/N.png 199B
  123. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/O.png 173B
  124. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/P.png 201B
  125. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/Q.png 214B
  126. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/R.png 190B
  127. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/S.png 202B
  128. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/T.png 220B
  129. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/U.png 178B
  130. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/V.png 178B
  131. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/W.png 206B
  132. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/X.png 186B
  133. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/Y.png 197B
  134. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Letters/Z.png 206B
  135. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/Body.png 4.4KB
  136. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/Legs.png 3.21KB
  137. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/Face.png 3.5KB
  138. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/Angry.png 14.12KB
  139. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Dust/Eyes.png 2.97KB
  140. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Body.png 3.68KB
  141. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Eye.png 2.85KB
  142. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Sad.png 4.65KB
  143. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Power.png 4.84KB
  144. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Head.png 3.24KB
  145. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Angry.png 3.22KB
  146. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/ULB/Legs.png 3.15KB
  147. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/Body.png 3.52KB
  148. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/Eye.png 2.84KB
  149. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/Legs.png 3.16KB
  150. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/ArmL.png 3.57KB
  151. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/ArmR.png 3.01KB
  152. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/Head.png 5.85KB
  153. Former time trio/Sprites/Sans/Ins/Angry.png 3.37KB
  154. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Super/0.png 893B
  155. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Super/1.png 189B
  156. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Super/2.png 209B
  157. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Super/3.png 211B
  158. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Ins/1.png 887B
  159. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/Bones/Ins/0.png 563B
  160. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/beam.png 405B
  161. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_0.png 6.05KB
  162. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_1.png 6.05KB
  163. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_2.png 6.05KB
  164. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_3.png 6KB
  165. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_4.png 6.13KB
  166. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Ins/spr_gasterblaster_5.png 6.05KB
  167. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/beam.png 406B
  168. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_0.png 820B
  169. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_1.png 809B
  170. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_2.png 785B
  171. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_3.png 985B
  172. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_4.png 993B
  173. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/ULB/spr_gasterblaster_5.png 887B
  174. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/beam.png 408B
  175. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_0.png 793B
  176. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_1.png 774B
  177. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_2.png 750B
  178. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_3.png 798B
  179. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_4.png 815B
  180. Former time trio/Sprites/Bullets/GasterBlaster/Dust/spr_gasterblaster_5.png 814B
  181. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/1.png 259B
  182. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/2.png 608B
  183. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/3.png 534B
  184. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/4.png 743B
  185. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/5.png 318B
  186. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Horizontal/empty.png 219B
  187. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/1.png 251B
  188. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/2.png 259B
  189. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/3.png 259B
  190. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/4.png 260B
  191. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/5.png 275B
  192. Former time trio/Sprites/Fake UI, KR and HP Library Sprites/Custom HP Bars/Vertical/empty.png 192B
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本系列博客文章旨在为初学者提供一个全面而深入的 Docker 学习资源。旨在帮助初学者从零开始,一步步掌握 Docker 的核心技术和应用。资源包含了详细的操作指南和深入的技术解析,涵盖了从 Docker 安装、基础命令的使用,到容器的管理与操作,以及镜像的创建与分发等全方位的内容。 为了方便不同需求的读者,我们提供了两种格式的资源:Markdown 版本方便在 GitHub 或其他支持 Markdown 的编辑器中阅读和编辑,而 PDF 版本则适合打印或在移动设备上阅读。无论您是更喜欢在线阅读还是离线学习,都可以找到适合您的学习方式。 通过本系列文章,您将能够: 掌握 Docker 安装:了解如何在多种操作系统上安装和配置 Docker,为后续的学习打下坚实的基础。 具体操作:学习 Docker 日常使用中的基本命令和操作流程,包括容器的启动、停止和移除等。 Docker 命令:深入了解 Docker 的命令行工具,包括如何下载和管理镜像,以及如何监控和调试容器。 下载和启动容器:获取所需的镜像并启动容器,理解容器与镜像间的关系。 参数和命令详解:详细解释 Docker 命令的
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