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MobaXterm、WindTerm、xshell、finalshell、soureCRT的快捷指令工具 详细说明见:https://blog.csdn.net/bandaoyu/article/details/139336859
# *********************************************************************************************************************************** # English # If you want to support Chinese please save this txt use ANSI code # name:button name # cmd:command # flowBy: # 1. Enter: After finishing typing the command, press the Enter key. # 2. Space: After finishing typing the command, press the Space key. # 3. Tab : After finishing typing the command, press the Tab key. # 4. None :do none #inputMethod: # 1. Paste: Enter commands using copy and paste method. # 2. Type: Use keystrokes to input commands (useful in scenarios where copy-paste is disabled, such as password fields with paste functionality # disabled). However, special characters {, }, +, ^, %, ~, (, ) need to be escaped by enclosing them in curly braces {}. For example, "((i++))" # should be escaped to "{(}{(}i{+}{+}{)}{)}" and "awk '{print $NF,$2}'" should be escaped to "awk '{{}print $NF,$2{}}'". To avoid errors, try to # minimize the use of these special characters. # needConfirm:No # 1.Yes: The command requires confirmation. Some dangerous commands can be avoided from accidental execution by adding a confirmation step. # 2.No: The command does not require confirmation. # More information: https://blog.csdn.net/bandaoyu/article/details/139336859 # Chinese must use ANSIcode # 如果你想支持中文,请使用 ANSI 编码保存这个文本文件 # name:按钮名称 # cmd:快捷指令内容 # flowBy: # 1. Enter 在输入完命令后,按下回车键; # 2. Space 在输入完命令后,按下空格键。 # 3. Tab 在输入完命令后,按下tab键。 # 4. None 在输入完命令后,不跟任何操作,默认 # inputMethod: # 1. Paste 使用复制粘贴的方式输入指令 # 2. Type 使用按键键入的方式输入指令(用在禁止复制粘贴的场合,如禁用了粘贴功能的密码框),但是要注意 特殊符号{, }, +, ^, %, ~, (, ) 需要被转义,使用{}把他们包起来转义,例如"((i++))" 转义成 "{(}{(}i{+}{+}{)}{)}", awk '{print $NF,$2}'转义成 awk '{{}print $NF,$2{}}' # 容易出错尽量不使用 # needConfirm: # 1.Yes 命令需要确认,一些危险的指令可以用过加确认避免误触发 # 2.No 命令不需要确认 #更多详情:https://blog.csdn.net/bandaoyu/article/details/139336859 # *********************************************************************************************************************************** [tab] tabName:linux [command] name:显示IP cmd:ip addr show | awk '/inet.*brd/{print $NF,$2}' flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:Yes [command] name:文件夹大小 cmd:du -h --max-depth=1 flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:tree home cmd:tree -L 3 /home flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:网络设备 cmd:nmcli d flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:显示磁盘 cmd:lsblk flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:分区ID cmd:blkid flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:设备流量 cmd:sar -n DEV 2 flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:netstat -nlp cmd:netstat -nlp flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:lsblk -o cmd:lsblk -o NAME,MAJ:MIN,RM,SIZE,RO,TYPE,UUID flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:大页内存 cmd:cat /proc/meminfo |grep -i hug flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:arp -n cmd:arp -n flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste [command]12 name:lscpu cmd:lscpu flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [tab] tabName:daos [command] name:pool list cmd:storage dmg pool list -v flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:health-state cmd:storage dmg pool health-state flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:sys query cmd:storage dmg sys query -v flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:pool dump cmd:storage dmg pool dump flowBy:Space inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:Get Pod cmd:kubectl get pod -n product-storage -o wide flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:Go in Pod cmd:pods=($(kubectl get pod -n product-storage -o wide|grep $(hostname)|awk '{print $1}')) &&i=0; for item in ${pods[@]};do printf "%d %s\n" $i $item;((i++));done &&read -p "You want go in which pod?:" pod_index&&eval podname=\${pods[${pod_index}]}&&printf "You selected %d %s\n" $pod_index ${podname} && kubectl exec -it ${podname} -n product-storage bash flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:页面密码 cmd:Admin+2024 flowBy:None inputMethod:Type needConfirm:No [command] name:pool query cmd:storage dmg pool query flowBy:Space inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:2层按钮9 cmd:echo "2层按钮9" flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:2层按钮10 cmd:echo "2层按钮9" flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:2层按钮11 cmd:echo "2层按钮11" flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:2层按钮12 cmd:echo "2层按钮12" flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:待定义 cmd:i am label0322 flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:待定义 cmd:i am label0433 flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:待定义 cmd:1644 flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:回车键 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [tab] tabName:账号密码 [command] name:admin cmd:admin flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Type needConfirm:No [command] name:3层按钮2 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:3层按钮3 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:3层按钮4 cmd:storage dmg pool dump flowBy:Space inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [tab] tabName:标签4 [command] name:4层按钮1 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮2 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮3 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮4 cmd:storage dmg pool dump flowBy:Space inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [tab] tabName:标签5 [command] name:4层按钮1 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮2 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮3 cmd: flowBy:Enter inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [command] name:4层按钮4 cmd:storage dmg pool dump flowBy:Space inputMethod:Paste needConfirm:No [custom] #窗口放到比例 FormScale:1 #以A态或B态启动程序 ABFace:A


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本系统是从实际生产平台中抽离出来的报告渲染模块,作为了一款独立的报告生成系统。本系统是前后端分离的架构,这是后端服务代码。 特点 1. 轻量化 本系统只关注报告生成,可以对接任意的数据源,通过自定义的模版,生成对应的报告。 2. 可扩展 本系统采用了模块化的架构,面向接口的设计,易于快速扩展其他的数据源和渲染方式。 3. 易整合 易于整合到其他系统中,作为报告生成功能的模块。 4. 更智能 整合了大文本人工智能服务,可提供更智能化的报告生成能力。 项目地址: Github: https://github.com/52jing/wang-template-backend Gitee: https://gitee.com/i52jing/wang-template-backend 前端项目地址: Github: https://github.com/52jing/wang-template-admin Gitee: https://gitee.com/i52jing/wang-template-admin 系统截图详见代码仓库。 通过本项目可了解 Spring Web 应用的开发。
一个前后端分离的基于模版的报告生成平台(后端代码) 一个前后端分离的基于模版的报告生成平台(后端代码) 一个前后端分离的基于模版的报告生成平台(后端代码)
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