通信作者 E-mail:wangmw@swjtu.edu.cn
(西南交通大学,数学学院,四川成都 610000)
题,采用了 SLIC 超像素分割算法来构建加权图并改变了图卷积神经网络提取加权图的图级特征。为了有
Finger-vein Recognition Research Based on Deep Graph
Convolutional Network With Dual-Branch
CHENG Junjun,WANG Mingwen
(School of Mathematics,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610000,Si Chuan,China)
[Abstract] The finger-vein recognition method based on graph convolutional neural network can not only solve the
problem of low recognition rate of traditional finger vein recognition method, but also solve the problem of its large
computational volume. To address the current finger vein graph model's problems of graph structure instability and
matching efficiency decreasing due to model increase, SLIC super-pixel segmentation algorithm is used to construct
the weighted graph and change the graph convolutional neural network to extract the graph-level features of the
weighted graph. In order to effectively capture the higher-order features in the graph data and avoid over-smoothing,
a two-branch multi-interaction deep graph convolutional network is investigated, aiming to improve the node's
ability to grasp the higher-order features. The method first adapts the graph structure according to the node features,
and then by combining the original and reconstructed graph structures, a two-branch network architecture is
constructed to fully mine the higher-order features. In addition, the diversity of features is improved by designing a
channel information interaction mechanism to facilitate information exchange between different branches.
Experimental results show that this network architecture can improve recognition accuracy, reduce single-image
recognition time, improve efficiency, and effectively mitigate oversmoothing when performing finger vein
recognition tasks on multiple standard datasets.
[keywords]Finger-vein Recognition;Image Segmentation Algorithm;Graph Convolutional Neural Network;Cross-
entropy function;Channel Information Interaction
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