![alt text](screencaps/logo.png)
#### A photo gallery web application.
## User Story
* User can view all photos on index page ordered by the date they were posted
* Hovering on an image will reveal more information about it; the title, description, location and time posted.
* User can click on the copy button on an image to copy its url for sharing purposes
* Clicking an image will toggle a lightbox with an expanded view of the image
* User can navigate to other images while on the lightbox view.
* User can search photos based on their categories
* User can browse photos based on the location they were taken
![alt text](screencaps/daz1.gif)
## Author
[Collins Muriuki](, 26/10/2019.
## Description
A photo gallery web application made using Django.
## Technologies Used
* Python 3.7.4
* Django 1.11.23
* SQLite3
* CSS3
* Javascript
* jQuery 3.4.1
* Bootstrap 4.3.1
* [Owl carousel 2.3.4](
* [Baguettebox.js 1.10.0](
* Google Font API
## Requirements
* This program requires python3.+ (and pip) installed, a guide on how to install python on various platforms can be found [here](
* Once python is installed, install the folowing external libraries provided in the requirements.txt file using pip
* Example:
* **`pip install django==1.11.23`**
* This project requires you to have a secret key from Uploadcare to facilitate cloud storage of uploaded images.
* The secret key can be gotten by creating a free uploadcare account, starting a new project and navigating to the dashboard
* The key should be stored as an environmental variable in an .env file as shown below
* **`SECRET=`**
* More info on how to use the Django pyuploadcare library can be found [here](
## Installation and Set-up
To view the app, open the live site link provided below on the README.
Here is a run through of how to set up the application:
* **Step 1** : Clone this repository using **`git clone`**, or downloading a ZIP file of the code.
* **Step 2** : The repository, if downloaded as a .zip file will need to be extracted to your preferred location and opened
* **Step 3** : Go to the project root directory and install the virtualenv library using pip an afterwards create a virtual environment. Run the following commands respectively:
* **`pip install virtualenv`**
* **`virtualenv venv`**
* **`source venv/bin/activate`**
* Note that you can exit the virtual environment by running the command **`deactivate`**
* **Step 4** : Download the all dependencies in the requirements.txt using **`pip install -r requirements.txt`**
* **Step 5** : You can now launch the application locally by running the command **`python runserver`** and copying the link given on the termnal on your browser.
* To post photos, run the command **`python createsuperuser`** to create an admin account in order to post. Access to the admin panel is by adding the path /admin to the address bar.
## Known Bugs
* None at the momment, report any by contacting me
## Support and contact details
You can provide feedback or raise any issues/ bugs through the following means:
## Live Site link
You can view the live application by following this [link](
## License
#### [*GNU License*](LICENSE)
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