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ISO 26262-1-2018

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ISO 26262是一套国际标准,专门针对道路车辆的电气和/或电子系统的功能安全。这套标准定义了汽车行业中安全相关的系统开发过程,包括需求、设计、实施、验证、确认和配置管理等方面。ISO 26262旨在通过确保这些系统的功能性安全,减少或消除由于电气和电子系统故障导致的事故风险。 2018年发布的ISO 26262更新版,ISO 26262-1,是该标准系列的第一部分。
ISO 2018
Road vehicles — Functional safety —
Part 1:
Véhicules routiers — Sécurité fonctionnelle —
Partie 1: Vocabulaire
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 26262-1:2018(E)
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ANSI
Not for Resale, 12/22/2018 17:53:18 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
ISO 26262-1:2018(E)
ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
© ISO 2018
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Website: www.iso.org
Published in Switzerland
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ANSI
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
ISO 26262-1:2018(E)
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Termsanddefinitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviated terms ...........................................................................................................................................................................................28
© ISO 2018 – All rights reserved iii
Contents Page
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ANSI
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ISO 26262-1:2018(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
   
              
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
             
            
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
.iso .org/directives).
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www
.iso .org/patents).
constitute an endorsement.
               
             
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www
.iso .org/iso/foreword .html.
  Road vehicles Subcommittee
Electrical and electronic components and general system aspects.
This edition of ISO 26262 series of standards cancels and replaces the edition ISO 26262:2011 series of
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
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 
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iv © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS Markit under license with ANSI
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ISO 26262-1:2018(E)
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/members .html.
A list of all parts in the ISO 26262 series can be found on the ISO website.
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其他资源 ISO 26262-2-2018
ISO 26262是一套国际标准,专门针对道路车辆的电气和/或电子系统的功能安全。这套标准定义了汽车行业中安全相关的系统开发过程,包括需求、设计、实施、验证、确认和配置管理等方面。ISO 26262旨在通过确保这些系统的功能性安全,减少或消除由于电气和电子系统故障导致的事故风险。 2018年发布的ISO 26262更新版,ISO 26262-2,是该标准系列的第二部分,
ISO 26262-2-2018 ISO 26262-2-2018 ISO 26262-2-2018
ISO 26262-3-2018
ISO 26262是一套国际标准,专门针对道路车辆的电气和/或电子系统的功能安全。这套标准定义了汽车行业中安全相关的系统开发过程,包括需求、设计、实施、验证、确认和配置管理等方面。ISO 26262旨在通过确保这些系统的功能性安全,减少或消除由于电气和电子系统故障导致的事故风险。 2018年发布的ISO 26262更新版,ISO 26262-3,是该标准系列的第三部分。
ISO 26262-3-2018 ISO 26262-3-2018 ISO 26262-3-2018
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