# ADC/UART data capturing using xWR1843/AWR2243 with DCA1000
* for xWR1843: capture both raw ADC IQ data and processed UART point cloud data simultaneously in Python and C(pybind11) without mmwaveStudio
* for AWR2243: capture raw ADC IQ data in Python and C(pybind11) without mmwaveStudio
## Introduction
* 该模块主要分为两部分,mmwave和fpga_udp:
* mmwave修改自[OpenRadar](,用于配置文件读取、串口数据发送与接收、原始数据解析等。
* fpga_udp修改自[pybind11 example](以及[mmWave-DFP-2G](,用于通过C语言编写的socket代码从网口接收DCA1000发回的高速的原始数据。对于AWR2243这种没有片上DSP及ARM核的型号,还实现了利用FTDI通过USB发送指令用SPI控制AWR2243的固件写入、参数配置等操作。
* TI的毫米波雷达主要分两类,只有射频前端的和自带片上ARM及DSP/HWA的。前者型号有[AWR1243](、[AWR2243](等,后者型号有[xWR1443](、[xWR6443](、[xWR1843](、[xWR6843](、[AWR2944](等。
* 对于只有射频前端的雷达传感器,一般是通过SPI/I2C接口向其发送控制及配置指令,并通过CSI2/LVDS接口输出原始数据。其中SPI接口可以用DCA1000板载的FTDI芯片转为USB协议直接用电脑控制,LVDS接口的数据也能用DCA1000板载的FPGA采集并转为UDP包通过以太网传输。本仓库实现了上述所有操作。
* 对于自带片上ARM及DSP的雷达传感器,则可以烧录控制程序,用片上ARM对雷达传感器进行配置,用片上DSP处理原始数据并得到点云等数据,通过UART传输。其中原始数据除了送入片上DSP,还能配置为通过LVDS接口输出,并利用DCA1000板载的FPGA采集。本仓库实现了上述所有操作。当然,自带片上ARM及DSP的雷达传感器也有SPI/I2C等接口,也可以利用该接口对雷达传感器进行配置,并通过DCA1000板载的FTDI将SPI转为USB用电脑控制。[mmwaveStudio](就是这样做的,但本仓库暂未实现该方法,可参考[mmWave-DFP](自行实现。
## Prerequisites
### Hardware
#### for xWR1843
* Connect the micro-USB port (UART) on the xWR1843 to your system
* Connect the xWR1843 to a 5V barrel jack
* Set power connector on the DCA1000 to RADAR_5V_IN
* boot in Functional Mode: SOP[2:0]=001
* either place jumpers on pins marked as SOP0 or toggle SOP0 switches to ON, all others remain OFF
* Connect the RJ45 to your system
* Set a fixed IP to the local interface:
#### for AWR2243
* Connect the micro-USB port (FTDI) on the DCA1000 to your system
* Connect the AWR2243 to a 5V barrel jack
* Set power connector on the DCA1000 to RADAR_5V_IN
* Put the device in SOP0
* Jumper on SOP0, all others disconnected
* Connect the RJ45 to your system
* Set a fixed IP to the local interface:
### Software
#### Windows
- Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required.
- Get it with "[Microsoft C++ Build Tools]("(Standalone MSVC compiler) or "[Visual Studio]("(IDE) and choose "Desktop development with C++"
- FTDI D2XX driver and DLL is needed.
- Download version []( or newer from [official website](
- Unzip it and install `.\ftdibus.inf` by right-clicking this file.
- Copy `.\amd64\ftd2xx64.dll` to `C:\Windows\System32\` and rename it to `ftd2xx.dll`. For 32-bit system, just copy `.\i386\ftd2xx.dll` to that directory.
#### Linux
- `sudo apt install python3-dev`
- FTDI D2XX driver and .so lib is needed. Download version 1.4.27 or newer from [official website]( based on your architecture, e.g. [X86](, [X64](, [armv7](, [aarch64](, etc.
- Then you'll need to install the library:
- ```
tar -xzvf libftd2xx-arm-v8-1.4.27.tgz
cd release
sudo cp ftd2xx.h /usr/local/include
sudo cp WinTypes.h /usr/local/include
cd build
sudo cp /usr/local/lib
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
sudo ldconfig -v
## Installation
- clone this repository
- for Windows:
- `python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`
- `python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools`
- `python3 -m pip install ./fpga_udp`
- for Linux:
- `sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip`
- `sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools`
- `sudo python3 -m pip install ./fpga_udp`
## Instructions for Use
#### General
1. 先按照[Prerequisites](#prerequisites)搭建运行环境
2. 再按[Installation](#installation)安装库
3. 未提及的模块在运行时若报错请自行查询添加
#### For xWR1843
1. 按[mmwave SDK](的说明烧录xwr18xx_mmw_demo程序
2. 用[mmWave_Demo_Visualizer](调整参数并保存cfg配置文件
3. 打开[](#captureallpy)按需求修改并填入cfg配置文件地址及端口号后运行并开始采集数据
4. 打开[testDecode.ipynb](#testdecodeipynb)或[testDecodeADCdata.mlx](#testdecodeadcdatamlx)解析刚才采集的数据
5. 对参数不满意可以继续用[mmWave_Demo_Visualizer](调整或用[testParam.ipynb](#testparamipynb)修改并检验参数的合理性
#### For AWR2243
1. 烧录固件补丁至外部flash(该操作只需要执行一次,重启不会丢固件)
- for Windows: `python3 -c "import fpga_udp;fpga_udp.AWR2243_firmwareDownload()"`
- for Linux: `sudo python3 -c "import fpga_udp;fpga_udp.AWR2243_firmwareDownload()"`
- 看见"MSS Patch version [ 2. 2. 2. 0]"则烧录成功
2. 打开[](#captureadc_awr2243py)按需求修改并填入txt配置文件地址并开始采集数据
3. 打开[testDecode_AWR2243.ipynb](#testdecode_awr2243ipynb)解析刚才采集的数据
4. 对参数不满意可以用[testParam_AWR2243.ipynb](#testparam_awr2243ipynb)修改并检验参数的合理性
## Example
### ******
#### 1.采集原始数据的一般流程
1. 重置雷达与DCA1000(reset_radar、reset_fpga)
2. 通过UART初始化雷达并配置相应参数(TI、setFrameCfg)
3. (optional)创建从串口接收片内DSP处理好的数据的进程(create_read_process)
4. 通过网口udp发送配置fpga指令(config_fpga)
5. 通过网口udp发送配置record数据包指令(config_record)
6. (optional)启动串口接收进程(只进行缓存清零)(start_read_process)
7. 通过网口udp发送开始采集指令(stream_start)
8. 启动UDP数据包接收线程(fastRead_in_Cpp_async_start)
9. 通过串口启动雷达(理论上通过FTDI(USB转SPI)也能控制,目前只在AWR2243上实现)(startSensor)
10. 等待UDP数据包接收线程结束+解析出原始数据(fastRead_in_Cpp_async_wait)
11. 保
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