User Guideline about ExtraCredit
First, you have obtained the folder, placing it into a disk. After openning the ExtraCredit in the
folder by “ cmd ”, you need to input the command line, “javac” to compile it and
input the command line, “java SumItUp maxValue” to run it(see Figure 1), maxValue is the number
you choose to be the maximum rabbit images, for example “java SumItUp 25”, . After running this
program, our game can begin. After opening the game, you can see two sets of rabbit images, one
plus sign between them, three input text fields and one check button(see Figure 2). The number of
rabbit images in each set is varied, and random numbers were chosen from 1 to maxValue
(inclusive), for example, from to 25.
Figure 1 The cmd window to execute the commands
Figure 2 Initial interface of the program
Second, you need to count the number of rabbit images in the two parts inputting the number, and
then compute the summation, inputting the result(see Figure 3).
Figure 3 Input the numbers into the fields