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/*! * @file apm32e10x_tmr.c * * @brief This file provides all the TMR firmware functions. * * @version V1.0.2 * * @date 2022-12-31 * * @attention * * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Geehy Semiconductor * * You may not use this file except in compliance with the * GEEHY COPYRIGHT NOTICE (GEEHY SOFTWARE PACKAGE LICENSE). * * The program is only for reference, which is distributed in the hope * that it will be useful and instructional for customers to develop * their software. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, the program is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the GEEHY SOFTWARE PACKAGE LICENSE for the governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ #include "apm32e10x_tmr.h" #include "apm32e10x_rcm.h" /** @addtogroup APM32E10x_StdPeriphDriver @{ */ /** @addtogroup TMR_Driver * @brief TMR driver modules @{ */ /** @defgroup TMR_Functions Functions @{ */ static void TI1Config(TMR_T* tmr, uint16_t ICpolarity, uint16_t ICselection, uint16_t ICfilter); static void TI2Config(TMR_T* tmr, uint16_t ICpolarity, uint16_t ICselection, uint16_t ICfilter); static void TI3Config(TMR_T* tmr, uint16_t ICpolarity, uint16_t ICselection, uint16_t ICfilter); static void TI4Config(TMR_T* tmr, uint16_t ICpolarity, uint16_t ICselection, uint16_t ICfilter); /*! * @brief Deinitializes the TMRx peripheral registers to their default reset values. * * @param tmr: Select TMRx peripheral, The x can be 1 to 8 * * @retval None * * @note */ void TMR_Reset(TMR_T* tmr) { if (tmr == TMR1) { RCM_EnableAPB2PeriphReset(RCM_APB2_PERIPH_TMR1); RCM_DisableAPB2PeriphReset(RCM_APB2_PERIPH_TMR1); } else if (tmr == TMR2) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR2); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR2); } else if (tmr == TMR3) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR3); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR3); } else if (tmr == TMR4) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR4); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR4); } else if (tmr == TMR5) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR5); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR5); } else if (tmr == TMR6) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR6); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR6); } else if (tmr == TMR7) { RCM_EnableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR7); RCM_DisableAPB1PeriphReset(RCM_APB1_PERIPH_TMR7); } else if (tmr == TMR8) { RCM_EnableAPB2PeriphReset(RCM_APB2_PERIPH_TMR8); RCM_DisableAPB2PeriphReset(RCM_APB2_PERIPH_TMR8); } } /*! * @brief Initializes the base timer through the structure * * @param tmr: Select TMRx peripheral, The x can be 1 to 8 * * @param baseConfig: Pointer to a TMR_BaseConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigTimeBase(TMR_T* tmr, TMR_BaseConfig_T* baseConfig) { uint16_t temp; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8) || (tmr == TMR2) || (tmr == TMR3) || (tmr == TMR4) || (tmr == TMR5)) { temp = tmr->CTRL1; temp &= 0x038F; temp |= baseConfig->countMode; tmr->CTRL1 = temp; } if ((tmr != TMR6) && (tmr != TMR7)) { tmr->CTRL1_B.CLKDIV = baseConfig->clockDivision; } tmr->AUTORLD = baseConfig->period; tmr->PSC = baseConfig->division; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8)) { tmr->REPCNT = baseConfig->repetitionCounter; } tmr->CEG_B.UEG = 0x01; } /*! * @brief Configure channel 1 according to parameters * * @param tmr: The TMRx can be 1 to 8 except 6 and 7 * * @param OC1Config: Pointer to a TMR_OCConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigOC1(TMR_T* tmr, TMR_OCConfig_T* OC1Config) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC1EN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM1_COMPARE_B.CC1SEL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM1_COMPARE_B.OC1MOD = OC1Config->mode; tmr->CCEN_B.CC1POL = OC1Config->polarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC1EN = OC1Config->outputState; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8)) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC1NPOL = OC1Config->nPolarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC1NEN = OC1Config->outputNState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC1OIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC1NOIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC1OIS = OC1Config->idleState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC1NOIS = OC1Config->nIdleState; } tmr->CC1 = OC1Config->pulse; } /*! * @brief Configure channel 2 according to parameters * * @param tmr: The TMRx can be 1 to 8 except 6 and 7 * * @param OC2Config: Pointer to a TMR_OCConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigOC2(TMR_T* tmr, TMR_OCConfig_T* OC2Config) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC2EN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM1_COMPARE_B.OC2MOD = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM1_COMPARE_B.CC2SEL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM1_COMPARE_B.OC2MOD = OC2Config->mode; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2POL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2POL = OC2Config->polarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2EN = OC2Config->outputState; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8)) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC2NPOL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2NPOL = OC2Config->nPolarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2NEN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC2NEN = OC2Config->outputNState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC2OIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC2NOIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC2OIS = OC2Config->idleState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC2NOIS = OC2Config->nIdleState; } tmr->CC2 = OC2Config->pulse; } /*! * @brief Configure channel 3 according to parameters * * @param tmr: The TMRx can be 1 to 8 except 6 and 7 * * @param OC3Config: Pointer to a TMR_OCConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigOC3(TMR_T* tmr, TMR_OCConfig_T* OC3Config) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC3EN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.OC3MOD = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.CC3SEL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.OC3MOD = OC3Config->mode; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3POL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3POL = OC3Config->polarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3EN = OC3Config->outputState; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8)) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC3NPOL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3NPOL = OC3Config->nPolarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3NEN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC3NEN = OC3Config->outputNState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC3OIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC3NOIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC3OIS = OC3Config->idleState; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC3NOIS = OC3Config->nIdleState; } tmr->CC3 = OC3Config->pulse; } /*! * @brief Configure channel 4 according to parameters * * @param tmr: The TMRx can be 1 to 8 except 6 and 7 * * @param OC4Config: Pointer to a TMR_OCConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigOC4(TMR_T* tmr, TMR_OCConfig_T* OC4Config) { tmr->CCEN_B.CC4EN = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.OC4MOD = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.CC4SEL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCM2_COMPARE_B.OC4MOD = OC4Config->mode; tmr->CCEN_B.CC4POL = BIT_RESET; tmr->CCEN_B.CC4POL = OC4Config->polarity; tmr->CCEN_B.CC4EN = OC4Config->outputState; if ((tmr == TMR1) || (tmr == TMR8)) { tmr->CTRL2_B.OC4OIS = BIT_RESET; tmr->CTRL2_B.OC4OIS = OC4Config->idleState; } tmr->CC4 = OC4Config->pulse; } /*! * @brief Configure Peripheral equipment * * @param tmr: The TMRx can be 1 to 8 except 6 and 7 * * @param ICConfig: Pointer to a TMR_ICConfig_T structure * * @retval None */ void TMR_ConfigIC(TMR


2-1 APM32 工程模板.zip 大约有73个文件
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  7. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/library/apm32e10x_bakpr.h 4.29KB
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  19. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/library/apm32e10x_dmc.h 8.53KB
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  67. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/start/startup_apm32e10x_hd.s 14.99KB
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  70. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/user/
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  72. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/user/apm32e10x_int.h 1.56KB
  73. 2-1 APM32 工程模板/user/main.c 105B
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基于java控制台酒店管理系统 开发框架:eclipse + jdk + java 数据库:无 角色介绍 管理员 admins 123456 普通用户 qqq 123456 模块介绍 管理员 登录模块 客户模块 房间模块 退出功能 普通用户 登录模块 房价预览 房价预订 退房功能 退出功能 数据库介绍 数据库名称 无
基于javaswing在线考试系统开发框架:eclipse + java + jdk + mysql数据库:mysql
基于javaswing在线考试系统 开发框架:eclipse + java + jdk + mysql 数据库:mysql 角色介绍 教师用户 admins 123456 教师验证码 请输入您的身份验证密码 123456 普通用户 qqq 123456 模块介绍 教师 身份选择 登录注册 首页模块 查询成绩 修改成绩 添加试题 添加试卷 退出功能 普通用户 身份选择 登录注册 考试模块 退出功能 数据库介绍 数据库名称examsystem sc sno, score student teacher num, q
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