免费的PL2303HXA驱动,没有任何套路,解压不收费 08版本
免费的PL2303HXA驱动,没有任何套路,解压不收费 08版本
# PL2303HXA-Phased-Out
PL2303HXA Phased out since 2012. Please contact your supplier (SOLVED)
Use these 8 easy steps to install the driver.
1. Opening the device manager shows the driver as “PL2303HXA PHASED OUT SINCE 2012. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER.”
![](/images/Prolific-pl2303hxa-device-manager-not-recognized.jpg "PL2303HXA Phased out since 2012. Please contact your supplier (SOLVED)")
2. To solve this, you can download the driver here [Driver](IO-Cable_PL-2303_Drivers-Generic_Windows_PL2303_Prolific.zip).
3. Unzip the archive and Install the driver. Go to the next step.
4. Open device manager. Right click on the unrecognized device and select “Update Driver”.
5. Click on “Browse my computer for drivers”
![](/images/Prolific-pl2303hxa-Browse-my-computer-for-drivers.jpg "PL2303HXA Phased out since 2012. Please contact your supplier (SOLVED)")
6. Select “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer”
![](/images/Prolific-pl2303hxa-Let-me-pick-from-a-list-of-available-drivers-on-my-computer "PL2303HXA Phased out since 2012. Please contact your supplier (SOLVED)")
7. First select “Show compatible hardware” and then select “Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port Version [27/10/208]” from the list. Click Next.
8. The driver is now installed successfully and is even maintained after a reboot.
![](/images/Prolific-pl2303hxa-driver-installed-succesfully.jpg "PL2303HXA Phased out since 2012. Please contact your supplier (SOLVED)")
Thanks to Roel van Wanrooy, copy from https://www.connectix.nl/pl2303hxa-phased-out-since-2012-please-contact-your-supplier-solved/