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Mastering the FreeRTOS™ Real Time Kernel
A Hands-On Tutorial Guide
Richard Barry -and- The FreeRTOS Team
Release Version - 1.1.0
FreeRTOS™, FreeRTOS.org™ and the FreeRTOS logo are trademarks of Amazon Web Services.
are trademarks of WITTENSTEIN High Integrity Systems Ltd.
All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders.
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© 2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
https://www.FreeRTOS.org https://forums.FreeRTOS.org https://github.com/FreeRTOS
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To Caroline, India and Max. - R.B.
Dedicated to the next generation of great systems powered by FreeRTOS. - J.J.
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
API Application Programming Interface
DMA Direct Memory Access
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FIFO First In First Out
HMI Human Machine Interface
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MCU Microcontroller
RMS Rate Monotonic Scheduling
RTOS Real-time Operating System
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
TCB Task Control Block
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Table of Contents
1 Preface
1.1 Multitasking in Small Embedded Systems
1.1.1 About the FreeRTOS Kernel
1.1.2 Value Proposition
1.1.3 A Note About Terminology
1.1.4 Why Use an RTOS?
1.1.5 FreeRTOS Kernel Features
1.1.6 Licensing, and The FreeRTOS, OpenRTOS, and SafeRTOS Family
1.2 Included Source Files and Projects
1.2.1 Obtaining the Examples that Accompany this Book
2 The FreeRTOS Kernel Distribution
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Understanding the FreeRTOS Distribution
2.2.1 Definition: FreeRTOS Port
2.2.2 Building FreeRTOS
2.2.3 FreeRTOSConfig.h
2.2.4 Official Distributions
2.2.6 FreeRTOS Source Files Common to All Ports
2.2.7 FreeRTOS Source Files Specific to a Port
2.2.8 Include Paths
2.2.9 Header Files
2.3 Demo Applications
2.4 Creating a FreeRTOS Project
2.4.1 Adapting One of the Supplied Demo Projects
2.4.2 Creating a New Project from Scratch
2.5 Data Types and Coding Style Guide
2.5.1 Data Types
2.5.2 Variable Names
2.5.3 Function Names
2.5.4 Formatting
2.5.5 Macro Names
2.5.6 Rationale for Excessive Type Casting
3 Heap Memory Management
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Prerequisites
3.1.2 Scope
3.1.3 Switching Between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation
3.1.4 Using Dynamic Memory Allocation
3.1.5 Options for Dynamic Memory Allocation
3.2 Example Memory Allocation Schemes


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  2. freeRTOS_study/FreeRTOSv202406.01-LTS.zip 23.26MB
  3. freeRTOS_study/Mastering-the-FreeRTOS-Real-Time-Kernel.v1.1.0.pdf 7.43MB
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