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精通Spring MVC电子书

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精通Spring MVC电子书英文版,详细讲解了Spring MVC框架及webflow页面流,学习Spring MVC非常不错的学习资料
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Pro Spring MVC: with Web Flow
Get started building enterprise-quality web applications with Pro Spring MVC!
This book takes you through the entire process of designing, implementing, and
deploying a Java web application using Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow. It includes
detailed analysis of the code and functionality, as well as numerous tips and tricks to help
you get the most out of Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, and web development in general.
You’ll gain key practical knowledge and learn how you can apply similar designs and
techniques to your own code.
Right from the start, you’ll learn practical applications of the frameworks by using
them with an application that is developed throughout the book. Each chapter defines
real-world problems and solutions; solutions which you then use to upgrade the sample
With Pro Spring MVC, you’ll learn how to:
Use the Spring MVC architecture
Develop with the DispatcherServlet
Configure your development environment
Deploy to a local web server and to a remote cloud-based deployment platform
Write controllers
Use Spring MVC with REST and Ajax
Resolve and implement views
Test your Spring MVC applications
Implement Spring Security
Build applications with Spring Web Flow
Pro Spring MVC does more than simply cover the technical details, it fully explains many
of the underlying concepts and gives you the practical knowledge you need to succeed.
After reading this book, you’ll fully understand how to use Spring MVC to build your own
web application from scratch or create a new web interface for an existing one.
For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front
matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks
and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
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Pro Spring MVC:
With Web Flow
Marten Deinum
Koen Serneels
with Colin Yates, Seth Ladd,
and Christophe Vanfleteren
Foreword by Erwin Vervaet,
Spring Web Flow project founder
Pro Spring MVC
Copyright © 2012 by Marten Deinum and Koen Serneels with Colin Yates, Seth Ladd, and Christophe Vanfleteren
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ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-4155-3
ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4302-4156-0
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To my
wife for your love and endless support.
Marten Deinum
To Sonja Korte, die große liebe meines lebens, thank you for your patience and support. You
almost made me believe in automatically refilling coffee mugs. To mum and dad, for always
being there for me and buying an 80386 instead of that 8bit NES.
–Koen Serneels


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