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ARM Compiler 5.06 update6 安装包

硬件开发 80.88MB 40 需要积分: 1


ARM Compiler 5.06 update6 安装包,可以给没有这个版本编译器的keil安装。 教程见https://blog.csdn.net/baidu_41704597/article/details/131723098
Release notes for Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 Arm Logo

Release notes for Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 for Certification (build 750)

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Installation Instructions
    1. 2.1. Integration into DS-5 5.26 or later
    2. 2.2. Integration into Keil MDK 5.22 or later
    3. 2.3. Use as a standalone product
    4. 2.4. Installation on Linux
    5. 2.5. Installation on Windows
  3. 3. Uninstall
  4. 4. Documentation
  5. 5. Feedback and Support
  6. 6. Release History and Changes

1. Introduction

This is the initial set of release notes provided at the time of the release. For the latest copy of the release notes, see the latest version on https://developer.arm.com.

Arm Compiler 5.06 is the final release series of Arm Compiler 5 and is succeeded by Arm Compiler 6.

This package, Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 for Certification (build 750), is intended for projects with safety certification requirements.

This release, Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6, is the last planned update release in the normal maintenance period. After this, further support and maintenance will be available through Arm Compiler Long Term Maintenance releases with maintenance continuing until at least summer 2020. Arm Compiler 5.06 for Certification and Arm Compiler 5.06 Long Term Maintenance releases will each be supported by an Arm Compiler Qualification Kit.

More information is available from the following links:

Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750) is an update release to Arm Compiler 5.06 and is intended for use:

  • With DS-5 Professional Edition or DS-5 Ultimate Edition.
  • With Keil MDK-Professional.
  • As a standalone toolchain installation.

A suitable license from one of these products must be available. If you are using a license for DS-5 Professional Edition you will also need a license for Arm Compiler Long Term Maintenance in order to use Arm Compiler for Certification releases. Contact your sales representative or visit https://developer.arm.com/products/buy-arm-products to enquire about a license.

If you are using a floating license, your license server must be running armlmd and lmgrd version or later. Arm recommends that you always use the latest version of the license server software that is available from https://developer.arm.com/products/software-development-tools/license-management/downloads.

2. Installation Instructions

If you received Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 as part of a toolkit (DS-5 or Keil MDK), the toolkit installer takes care of the installation process. Please refer to the installation instructions for the toolkit in such cases.

For all other cases, you must select an appropriate installation location depending on how you intend to use Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6:

  • Integrated into DS-5 5.26 or later.
  • Integrated into Keil MDK 5.22 or later.
  • As a standalone product.

2.1. Integration into DS-5 5.26 or later

Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 can be installed in any location, including the default location, providing this is outside of a DS-5 product installation.

After it is installed, you can integrate the toolchain with DS-5 5.26 or later by following the instructions in the tutorial available at https://developer.arm.com/products/software-development-tools/ds-5-development-studio/resources/tutorials/adding-new-compiler-toolchains-to-ds-5.

Arm recommends using Arm Compiler 5.06 update 6 from the DS-5 Eclipse IDE or DS-5 Command Prompt. When using the toolchain outside these environments, you might need to configure the following environment variables:

  • Set ARM_PRODUCT_PATH to the path to the sw/mappings directory within your DS-5 installation.
  • S


ACOMP-BN-506EM-r0p0-03rel1.zip 大约有5个文件
  1. Installer/
  2. Installer/data/
  3. Installer/data/ARMCompiler506_b750.msi 82.3MB
  4. Installer/setup.exe 329.66KB
  5. releasenotes.html 197.52KB
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