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// Copyright (c) 2021 Horizon Robotics.All Rights Reserved. // // The material in this file is confidential and contains trade secrets // of Horizon Robotics Inc. This is proprietary information owned by // Horizon Robotics Inc. No part of this work may be disclosed, // reproduced, copied, transmitted, or used in any way for any purpose, // without the express written permission of Horizon Robotics Inc. #include "averagepool.h" #include #include "layer_common.h" #include "pooling_common.h" #include "util/common.h" namespace hobot { namespace dnn { DEFINE_AND_REGISTER_LAYER_CREATOR(AveragePool) static inline int32_t AveragePool3DOffset(TShape const &shape, int32_t i0, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4) { return (((i0 * shape[1] + i1) * shape[2] + i2) * shape[3] + i3) * shape[4] + i4; } template static void AveragePool3D_float32(DType const *input_data, DType *output_data, //static inline void AveragePool3D(DType const *input_data, DType *output_data, TShape const &ishape, TShape const &oshape, std::vector &kernel_shape, std::vector &strides, std::vector &pads, bool count_include_pad) { if (ishape[kDim0] != oshape[kDim0]) { DNN_LOGE(TAG_LAYER, "input[0] is not equal output[0]"); } if (ishape[kDim1] != oshape[kDim1]) { DNN_LOGE(TAG_LAYER, "input[1] is not equal output[1]"); } if (pads[0] != pads[3]) { DNN_LOGE(TAG_LAYER, "pads[0] is not equal pads[3]"); } if (pads[1] != pads[4]) { DNN_LOGE(TAG_LAYER, "pads[1] is not equal pads[4]"); } if (pads[2] != pads[5]) { DNN_LOGE(TAG_LAYER, "pads[2] is not equal pads[5]"); } const int32_t batches = static_cast(ishape[kDim0]); const int32_t channels = static_cast(ishape[kDim1]); const int32_t in_spatial_dim_1{static_cast(ishape[kDim2])}; const int32_t in_spatial_dim_2{static_cast(ishape[kDim3])}; const int32_t in_spatial_dim_3{static_cast(ishape[kDim4])}; const int32_t out_spatial_dim_1{static_cast(oshape[kDim2])}; const int32_t out_spatial_dim_2{static_cast(oshape[kDim3])}; const int32_t out_spatial_dim_3{static_cast(oshape[kDim4])}; const int32_t stride_spatial_dim_1{strides[0]}; const int32_t stride_spatial_dim_2{strides[1]}; const int32_t stride_spatial_dim_3{strides[2]}; const int32_t filter_spatial_dim_1{kernel_shape[0]}; const int32_t filter_spatial_dim_2{kernel_shape[1]}; const int32_t filter_spatial_dim_3{kernel_shape[2]}; const int32_t padding_spatial_dim_1{pads[0]}; const int32_t padding_spatial_dim_2{pads[1]}; const int32_t padding_spatial_dim_3{pads[2]}; //RVV if (((padding_spatial_dim_1 == 0) && (padding_spatial_dim_2 == 0)) && (padding_spatial_dim_3 == 0)) { if (((filter_spatial_dim_1 == 2) && (filter_spatial_dim_1 == 2)) && (filter_spatial_dim_1 == 2)) { // in_spatial_dim_1 % 2 == 0 && in_spatial_dim_2 % 2 == 0 && in_spatial_dim_3 % 2 == 0 (also != 0) if (((stride_spatial_dim_1 == filter_spatial_dim_1) && (stride_spatial_dim_2 == filter_spatial_dim_2)) && (stride_spatial_dim_3 == filter_spatial_dim_3)) { size_t vl; float_t mid_data_list[batches][channels][in_spatial_dim_1][out_spatial_dim_2][out_spatial_dim_3]; float_t *mid_data = (float *)mid_data_list; for (int32_t batch = 0; batch < batches; ++batch) { for (int32_t channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { for (int32_t in_dim1{0}; in_dim1 < in_spatial_dim_1; in_dim1++) { float_t *out_ptr = mid_data + in_dim1 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; for (int32_t out_dim2{0}; out_dim2 < out_spatial_dim_2; out_dim2++) { const float_t *line0 = input_data + in_dim1 * in_spatial_dim_2 * in_spatial_dim_3 + out_dim2 * in_spatial_dim_3 * 2; const float_t *line1 = line0 + in_spatial_dim_3; int32_t w = out_spatial_dim_3; while (w > 0) { vl = vsetvl_e32m2(w); vfloat32m2_t vline0_seg1, vline0_seg2; vfloat32m2_t vline1_seg1, vline1_seg2; vlseg2e32_v_f32m2(&vline0_seg1, &vline0_seg2, line0, vl); vlseg2e32_v_f32m2(&vline1_seg1, &vline1_seg2, line1, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum0 = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vline0_seg1, vline0_seg2, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum1 = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vline1_seg1, vline1_seg2, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vsum0, vsum1, vl); vfloat32m2_t vavg = vfmul_vf_f32m2(vsum, 0.25f, vl); vse32_v_f32m2(out_ptr, vavg, vl); w -= vl; out_ptr += vl; line0 += 2 * vl; line1 += 2 * vl; } //line0 += in_spatial_dim_3; //line1 += in_spatial_dim_3; } } input_data += in_spatial_dim_1 * in_spatial_dim_2 * in_spatial_dim_3; int32_t hw = out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; for (int32_t out_dim1{0}; out_dim1 < out_spatial_dim_1; out_dim1++) { const float_t *line0 = mid_data + out_dim1 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3 * 2; const float_t *line1 = line0 + out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; for (int32_t i{0}; i < hw; i += vl) { vl = vsetvl_e32m2(hw - i); vfloat32m2_t vdim1_0 = vle32_v_f32m2(line0 + i, vl); vfloat32m2_t vdim1_1 = vle32_v_f32m2(line1 + i, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vdim1_0, vdim1_1, vl); vfloat32m2_t vavg = vfmul_vf_f32m2(vsum, 0.5f, vl); vse32_v_f32m2(output_data + i, vavg, vl); } //line0 += 2 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; //line1 += 2 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; output_data += out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; } mid_data += in_spatial_dim_1 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; } // channel loop // input_data += channels * in_spatial_dim_1 * in_spatial_dim_2 * in_spatial_dim_3; // mid_data += channels * in_spatial_dim_1 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; } // batch loop } // stride == kernel loop else { // kernel = 2 && stride = 1 size_t vl; float_t mid_data_list[batches][channels][in_spatial_dim_1][out_spatial_dim_2][out_spatial_dim_3]; float_t *mid_data = (float *)mid_data_list; for (int32_t batch = 0; batch < batches; ++batch) { for (int32_t channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { for (int32_t in_dim1{0}; in_dim1 < in_spatial_dim_1; in_dim1++) { const float_t *line0 = input_data + in_dim1 * in_spatial_dim_2 * in_spatial_dim_3; const float_t *line1 = line0 + in_spatial_dim_3; float_t *out_ptr = mid_data + in_dim1 * out_spatial_dim_2 * out_spatial_dim_3; for (int32_t out_dim2{0}; out_dim2 < out_spatial_dim_2; out_dim2++) { int32_t w = out_spatial_dim_3; for (int32_t i{0}; i < w; i += vl) { vl = vsetvl_e32m2(w - i); vfloat32m2_t vline0_seg1 = vle32_v_f32m2(line0 + i, vl); vfloat32m2_t vline0_seg2 = vle32_v_f32m2(line0 + i + 1, vl); vfloat32m2_t vline1_seg1 = vle32_v_f32m2(line1 + i, vl); vfloat32m2_t vline1_seg2 = vle32_v_f32m2(line1 + i + 1, vl); ; vfloat32m2_t vsum0 = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vline0_seg1, vline0_seg2, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum1 = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vline1_seg1, vline1_seg2, vl); vfloat32m2_t vsum = vfadd_vv_f32m2(vsum0, vsum1, vl); vfloat32m2_t vavg = vfmul_vf_f32m2(vsum, 0.25f, vl); vse32_v_f32m2(out_ptr + i, vavg, vl); } line0 += in_spatial_dim_3; line1 += in_spatial_dim_3; out_ptr += out_spatial_dim_3; } } input_data += in_spatial_dim_1 * in_spatial_dim_2 * in_spatial_dim_3;


gtest_op (2).zip 大约有236个文件
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  221. gtest_op/layer/where.h 1.39KB
  222. gtest_op/layer/argmax.cpp.bk 21.84KB
  223. gtest_op/test_op/
  224. gtest_op/test_op/test_averagepool.cpp 74.04KB
  225. gtest_op/test_op/test_global_lp_pool.cpp 10.62KB
  226. gtest_op/test_op/test_normalize.cpp 3.21KB
  227. gtest_op/test_op/test_hz_rsqrt.cpp 7.49KB
  228. gtest_op/test_op/test_crelu.cpp 5.34KB
  229. gtest_op/test_op/test_hz_channel_shuffle.cpp 4.93KB
  230. gtest_op/test_op/test_global_average_pool.cpp 2.99KB
  231. gtest_op/test_op/test_neg.cpp 14.4KB
  232. gtest_op/test_op/test_instance_normalization.cpp 3.68KB
  233. gtest_op/test_op/main.cpp 599B
  234. gtest_op/test_op/test_op.h 804B
  235. gtest_op/test_op/test_argmax.cpp.bk 9.68KB
  236. gtest_op/test_op/test_argmin.cpp.bk 9.64KB
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JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计
JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计
JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计
JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计 JAVA 系统; MVC模式; JSP; SQL Server 2000 数据库管理系统; J2EE;毕业设计
表情分类模型-基于人脸 emotion.pth
['angry', 'disgust', 'fear', 'happy', 'neutral', 'sad', 'surprise']