As the computer network technology is developing in a high speed. C/S (
Client/Server) has become a FTP network programming structure. Java is
Used moer and more as a Web application program.
In the beginning, FTP was not be used in IP net protocol, but which is u
sed in ARPANET network computers. ARPANET was an old network of the
U.S. Department of Defense between 1960s and 1980s.At that period the main
function of the FTP is transmitting documents reliably and in high speed bet
ween the master computers. At present, it also does very well, furthermore, it
permits store or access in telecommuting today. So the users can work on one
system and store the document in another. For example, someone use the
Web server, and need some HTML document and CGI program on his own c
omputer, and want to acquire some documents, (the telnet need install Web ser
ver)When the user finished he can store the document to the Web server by t
FTP. In this way, the user can work without Telnet, which make the Web
server update more and more easier.
The whole Java circumstance actually is a C/S (Client/Server) like the oth
er circumstances on the Internet, strictly to say, it is Browser/Server model (
Web model). But it is different from the traditional C/S model that is two lay
ers structure. The Web using Java is three layers structure. The traditional C/S
structure transmits by the message mechanism. The Client sent a request, and
the Server sent to it after some corresponding manages. But in the Web model
the Server is separated into two parts, one is the application Server (Web Serv
er); another is database Server.