nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
−c, −−compute−mode=MODE
Set the compute mode for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)section for a description of com-
pute mode. Requires root. Will impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the −i argument.
The effect of this operation is immediate. However, itdoes not persist across reboots. After each reboot
compute mode will reset to "DEFAULT".
−dm TYPE, −−driver−model=TYPE
−fdm TYPE, −−force−driver−model=TYPE
Enable or disable TCC drivermodel. For Windows only.Requires administrator privileges. −dm will fail
if a display is attached, but −fdm will force the drivermodel to change. Will impact all GPUs unless a sin-
gle GPU is specified using the −i argument. A reboot is required for the change to takeplace. See Driver
Model for more information on Windows drivermodels.
Set GPU Operation Mode: 0/ALL_ON, 1/COMPUTE, 2/LOW_DP Supported on GK110 M-class and X-
class Tesla products from the Kepler family.Not supported on Quadro and Tesla C-class products.
LOW_DP and ALL_ON are the only modes supported on GeForce Titan devices. Requires administrator
privileges. See GPU Operation Mode for more information about GOM. GOM changes takeeffect after
reboot. The reboot requirement might be removedinthe future. Compute only GOMs don’tsupport
WDDM (Windows Display DriverModel)
Trigger a reset of one or more GPUs. Can be used to clear GPU HW and SW state in situations that would
otherwise require a machine reboot. Typically useful if a double bit ECC error has occurred. Optional −i
switch can be used to target one or more specific devices. Without this option, all GPUs are reset.
Requires root. There can't be anyapplications using these devices (e.g. CUDAapplication, graphics appli-
cation likeXserver,monitoring application likeother instance of nvidia-smi). There also can't be anycom-
pute applications running on anyother GPU in the system.
When resetting GPUs that have active NVLink connections to other GPUs, all GPUs with active NVLink
connections must be reset together,either by omitting the −i switch or using the −i switch to specify all
GPUs with active NVLink connections.
GPU reset is not guaranteed to work in all cases. It is not recommended for production environments at this
time. In some situations there may be HW components on the board that fail to revert back to an initial
state following the reset request. This is more likely to be seen on Fermi-generation products vs. Kepler,
and more likely to be seen if the reset is being performed on a hung GPU.
Following a reset, it is recommended that the health of each reset GPU be verified before further use. The
nvidia-healthmon tool is a good choice for this test. If anyGPU is not healthyacomplete reset should be
instigated by power cycling the node.
Visit http://developer.nvidia.com/gpu-deployment-kit to download the GDK and nvidia-healthmon.
−ac, −−applications−clocks=MEM_CLOCK,GRAPHICS_CLOCK
Specifies maximum <memory,graphics> clocks as a pair (e.g. 2000,800) that defines GPU’sspeed while
running applications on a GPU. Supported on Maxwell-based GeForce and from the Kepler+ family in
Tesla/Quadro/Titan devices. Requires root unless restrictions are relaxed with the −acp command..
−rac, −−reset−applications−clocks
Resets the applications clocks to the default value. Supported on Maxwell-based GeForce and from the
Kepler+ family in Tesla/Quadro/Titan devices. Requires root unless restrictions are relaxed with the −acp
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