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nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
nvidia−smi − NVIDIA System Management Interface program
nvidia-smi [OPTION1 [ARG1]] [OPTION2 [ARG2]] ...
nvidia-smi (also NVSMI) provides monitoring and management capabilities for each of NVIDIA's Tesla,
Quadro, GRID and GeForce devices from Fermi and higher architecture families. GeForce Titan series
devices are supported for most functions with very limited information provided for the remainder of the
Geforce brand. NVSMI is a cross platform tool that supports all standard NVIDIA driver-supported Linux
distros, as well as 64bit versions of Windows starting with Windows Server 2008 R2. Metrics can be con-
sumed directly by users via stdout, or provided by file via CSV and XML formats for scripting purposes.
Note that much of the functionality of NVSMI is provided by the underlying NVML C-based library.See
the NVIDIA developer website link belowfor more information about NVML. NVML-based python bind-
ings are also available.
The output of NVSMI is not guaranteed to be backwards compatible. However, both NVML and the
Python bindings are backwards compatible, and should be the first choice when writing anytools that must
be maintained across NVIDIA driverreleases.
NVML SDK: http://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-management-library-nvml/
Python bindings: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nvidia-ml-py/
−h, −−help
Print usage information and exit.
−L, −−list−gpus
List each of the NVIDIA GPUs in the system, along with their UUIDs.
−q, −−query
Display GPU or Unit info. Displayed info includes all data listed in the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)or(UNIT
ATTRIBUTES)sections of this document. Some devices and/or environments don't support all possible
information. Anyunsupported data is indicated by a "N/A" in the output. By default information for all
available GPUs or Units is displayed. Use the −i option to restrict the output to a single GPU or Unit.
[plus optional]
−u, −−unit
Display Unit data instead of GPU data. Unit data is only available for NVIDIA S−class Tesla enclosures.
−i, −−id=ID
Display data for a single specified GPU or Unit. The specified id may be the GPU/Unit's 0−based indexin
the natural enumeration returned by the driver, the GPU's board serial number,the GPU's UUID, or the
GPU's PCI bus ID (as domain:bus:device.function in hex). It is recommended that users desiring consis-
tencyuse either UUID or PCI bus ID, since device enumeration ordering is not guaranteed to be consistent
between reboots and board serial number might be shared between multiple GPUs on the same board.
nvidia−smi 387.12 2017/10/3 1
nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
−f FILE, −−filename=FILE
Redirect query output to the specified file in place of the default stdout. The specified file will be overwrit-
−x, −−xml−format
Produce XML output in place of the default human−readable format. Both GPU and Unit query outputs
conform to corresponding DTDs. These are available via the −−dtd flag.
Use with −x.Embed the DTD in the XML output.
Produces an encrypted debug log for use in submission of bugs back to NVIDIA.
−d TYPE, −−display=TYPE
Display only selected information: MEMORY, U TILIZATION, ECC, TEMPERATURE, POWER,
ACCOUNTING Flags can be combined with comma e.g. "MEMORY, ECC". Sampling data with max,
min and avg is also returned for POWER, UTILIZATION and CLOCK display types. Doesn't work with
-u/--unit or -x/--xml-format flags.
−l SEC, −−loop=SEC
Continuously report query data at the specified interval, rather than the default of just once. The applica-
tion will sleep in−between queries. Note that on Linux ECC error or XID error events will print out during
the sleep period if the -x flag was not specified. Pressing Ctrl+C at anytime will abort the loop, which will
otherwise run indefinitely.Ifnoargument is specified for the −l form a default interval of 5 seconds is
Allows the caller to pass an explicit list of properties to query.
[one of]
Information about GPU. Pass comma separated list of properties you want to query.e.g.
−−query−gpu=pci.bus_id,persistence_mode. Call −−help−query−gpu for more info.
List of supported clocks. Call −−help−query−supported−clocks for more info.
List of currently active compute processes. Call −−help−query−compute−apps for more info.
List of accounted compute processes. Call −−help−query−accounted−apps for more info.
List of GPU device memory pages that have been retired. Call −−help−query−retired−pages for more info.
nvidia−smi 387.12 2017/10/3 2
nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
Comma separated list of format options:
csv - comma separated values (MANDAT O RY)
noheader - skip first line with column headers
nounits - don’tprint units for numerical values
[plus any of]
−i, −−id=ID
Display data for a single specified GPU. The specified id may be the GPU's 0−based indexinthe natural
enumeration returned by the driver, the GPU's board serial number,the GPU's UUID, or the GPU's PCI bus
ID (as domain:bus:device.function in hex). It is recommended that users desiring consistencyuse either
UUID or PCI bus ID, since device enumeration ordering is not guaranteed to be consistent between reboots
and board serial number might be shared between multiple GPUs on the same board.
−f FILE, −−filename=FILE
Redirect query output to the specified file in place of the default stdout. The specified file will be overwrit-
−l SEC, −−loop=SEC
Continuously report query data at the specified interval, rather than the default of just once. The applica-
tion will sleep in−between queries. Note that on Linux ECC error or XID error events will print out during
the sleep period if the -x flag was not specified. Pressing Ctrl+C at anytime will abort the loop, which will
otherwise run indefinitely.Ifnoargument is specified for the −l form a default interval of 5 seconds is
−lms ms, −−loop−ms=ms
Same as −l,−−loop but in milliseconds.
[any one of]
−pm, −−persistence−mode=MODE
Set the persistence mode for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)section for a description of
persistence mode. Requires root. Will impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the −i argu-
ment. The effect of this operation is immediate. However, itdoes not persist across reboots. After each
reboot persistence mode will default to "Disabled". Av a ilable on Linux only.
−e, −−ecc−config=CONFIG
Set the ECC mode for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)section for a description of ECC
mode. Requires root. Will impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the −i argument. This
setting takes effect after the next reboot and is persistent.
−p, −−reset−ecc−errors=TYPE
Reset the ECC error counters for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)section for a description
of ECC error counter types. Av a ilable arguments are 0|VOLATILE or 1|AGGREGATE. Requires root.
Will impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the −i argument. The effect of this operation
is immediate.
nvidia−smi 387.12 2017/10/3 3
nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
−c, −−compute−mode=MODE
Set the compute mode for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)section for a description of com-
pute mode. Requires root. Will impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the −i argument.
The effect of this operation is immediate. However, itdoes not persist across reboots. After each reboot
compute mode will reset to "DEFAULT".
−dm TYPE, −−driver−model=TYPE
−fdm TYPE, −−force−driver−model=TYPE
Enable or disable TCC drivermodel. For Windows only.Requires administrator privileges. −dm will fail
if a display is attached, but −fdm will force the drivermodel to change. Will impact all GPUs unless a sin-
gle GPU is specified using the −i argument. A reboot is required for the change to takeplace. See Driver
Model for more information on Windows drivermodels.
Set GPU Operation Mode: 0/ALL_ON, 1/COMPUTE, 2/LOW_DP Supported on GK110 M-class and X-
class Tesla products from the Kepler family.Not supported on Quadro and Tesla C-class products.
LOW_DP and ALL_ON are the only modes supported on GeForce Titan devices. Requires administrator
privileges. See GPU Operation Mode for more information about GOM. GOM changes takeeffect after
reboot. The reboot requirement might be removedinthe future. Compute only GOMs don’tsupport
WDDM (Windows Display DriverModel)
Trigger a reset of one or more GPUs. Can be used to clear GPU HW and SW state in situations that would
otherwise require a machine reboot. Typically useful if a double bit ECC error has occurred. Optional −i
switch can be used to target one or more specific devices. Without this option, all GPUs are reset.
Requires root. There can't be anyapplications using these devices (e.g. CUDAapplication, graphics appli-
cation likeXserver,monitoring application likeother instance of nvidia-smi). There also can't be anycom-
pute applications running on anyother GPU in the system.
When resetting GPUs that have active NVLink connections to other GPUs, all GPUs with active NVLink
connections must be reset together,either by omitting the −i switch or using the −i switch to specify all
GPUs with active NVLink connections.
GPU reset is not guaranteed to work in all cases. It is not recommended for production environments at this
time. In some situations there may be HW components on the board that fail to revert back to an initial
state following the reset request. This is more likely to be seen on Fermi-generation products vs. Kepler,
and more likely to be seen if the reset is being performed on a hung GPU.
Following a reset, it is recommended that the health of each reset GPU be verified before further use. The
nvidia-healthmon tool is a good choice for this test. If anyGPU is not healthyacomplete reset should be
instigated by power cycling the node.
Visit http://developer.nvidia.com/gpu-deployment-kit to download the GDK and nvidia-healthmon.
−ac, −−applications−clocks=MEM_CLOCK,GRAPHICS_CLOCK
Specifies maximum <memory,graphics> clocks as a pair (e.g. 2000,800) that defines GPU’sspeed while
running applications on a GPU. Supported on Maxwell-based GeForce and from the Kepler+ family in
Tesla/Quadro/Titan devices. Requires root unless restrictions are relaxed with the −acp command..
−rac, −−reset−applications−clocks
Resets the applications clocks to the default value. Supported on Maxwell-based GeForce and from the
Kepler+ family in Tesla/Quadro/Titan devices. Requires root unless restrictions are relaxed with the −acp
nvidia−smi 387.12 2017/10/3 4
nvidia−smi(1) NVIDIA nvidia−smi(1)
−acp, −−applications−clocks−permission=MODE
Toggle whether applications clocks can be changed by all users or only by root. Av ailable arguments are
0|UNRESTRICTED, 1|RESTRICTED. Supported on Maxwell-based GeForce and from the Kepler+ fam-
ily in Tesla/Quadro/Titan devices. Requires root.
−pl, −−power−limit=POWER_LIMIT
Specifies maximum power limit in watts. Accepts integer and floating point numbers. Only on supported
devices from Kepler family.Requires administrator privileges. Value needs to be between Min and Max
Power Limit as reported by nvidia-smi.
−am, −−accounting−mode=MODE
Enables or disables GPU Accounting. With GPU Accounting one can keep track of usage of resources
throughout lifespan of a single process. Only on supported devices from Kepler family.Requires adminis-
trator privileges. Available arguments are 0|DISABLED or 1|ENABLED.
−caa, −−clear−accounted−apps
Clears all processes accounted so far.Only on supported devices from Kepler family.Requires administra-
tor privileges.
Set the default auto boost policyto0/DISABLED or 1/ENABLED, enforcing the change only after the last
boost client has exited. Only on certain Tesla devices from the Kepler+ family and Maxwell-based
GeForce devices. Requires root.
Set the default auto boost policyto0/DISABLED or 1/ENABLED, enforcing the change immediately.
Only on certain Tesla devices from the Kepler+ family and Maxwell-based GeForce devices. Requires
Allownon-admin/root control overauto boost mode. Av a ilable arguments are 0|UNRESTRICTED,
1|RESTRICTED. Only on certain Tesla devices from the Kepler+ family and Maxwell-based GeForce
devices. Requires root.
[plus optional]
−i, −−id=ID
Modify a single specified GPU. The specified id may be the GPU/Unit's 0−based indexinthe natural enu-
meration returned by the driver, the GPU's board serial number,the GPU's UUID, or the GPU's PCI bus ID
(as domain:bus:device.function in hex). It is recommended that users desiring consistencyuse either UUID
or PCI bus ID, since device enumeration ordering is not guaranteed to be consistent between reboots and
board serial number might be shared between multiple GPUs on the same board.
−t, −−toggle−led=STATE
Set the LED indicator state on the front and back of the unit to the specified color.See the (UNIT
ATTRIBUTES)section for a description of the LED states. Allowed colors are 0|GREEN and 1|AMBER.
Requires root.
nvidia−smi 387.12 2017/10/3 5


NVSMI.zip 大约有5个文件
  1. MCU.exe 838.99KB
  2. nvdebugdump.exe 414.95KB
  3. nvidia-smi.1.pdf 99.63KB
  4. nvidia-smi.exe 505.77KB
  5. nvml.dll 901KB
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随着深度学习的发展,使用深度学习解决相关通信领域问题的研究也越来越多。作为一名通信专业的研究生,如果实验室没有相关方向的代码积累,入门并深入一个新的方向会十分艰难。同时,大部分通信领域的论文不会提供开源代码,reproducible research比较困难。 基于深度学习的通信论文这几年飞速增加,明显能感觉这些论文的作者更具开源精神。本项目专注于整理在通信中应用深度学习,并公开了相关源代码的论文。
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在面试时,经过寒暄后,一般面试官会让介绍项目经验 。常见的问法是,说下你最近的(或最拿得出手的)一个项目。   根据我们的面试经验,发现有不少候选人对此没准备,说起来磕磕巴巴,甚至有人说出项目经验从时间段或技术等方面和简历上的不匹配,这样就会造成如下的后果。   1 第一印象就不好了,至少会感觉该候选人表述能力不强。   2 一般来说,面试官会根据候选人介绍的项目背景来提问题,假设面试时会问10个问题,那么至少有5个问题会根据候选人所介绍的项目背景来问,候选人如果没说好,那么就没法很好地引导后继问题了,就相当于把提问权完全交给面试官了。    面试时7份靠能力,3份靠技能,而刚开始时的介绍项目又是技能中的重中之重,所以本文将从“介绍”和“引导”两大层面告诉大家如何准备面试时的项目介绍。    好了,如下是正文内容。 在面试前准备项目描述,别害怕,因为面试官什么都不知道   面试官是人,不是神,拿到你的简历的时候,是没法核实你的项目细节的(一般公司会到录用后,用背景调查的方式来核实)。更何况,你做的项目是以月为单位算的,而面试官最多用30分钟来从你的简历上了解你的项目经验
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谷物计数算法是指一种用于估算一定量的谷物数量的算法。这种算法常用于农业和食品行业,以估算农田产量或货物库存等。 谷物计数算法的基本原理是通过随机抽样来估算整个批次的谷物数量。具体步骤如下: 1. 随机选择一小部分谷物样本,样本数量通常是整个批次数量的一小部分。 2. 对样本进行数数,得到样本中的谷物数量,并记录下来。 3. 根据样本中的谷物数量和样本抽样比例的关系,可以推算出整个批次的谷物数量。例如,如果样本数量是整个批次数量的1%,而样本中有1000颗谷物,那么整个批次的谷物数量就可能是1000 * 100 = 100,000颗。 4. 根据需要,可以对推算出来的谷物数量进行修正。修正的方法包括根据实际情况调整样本抽样比例、重复进行抽样计算等。 需要注意的是,谷物计数算法是一种估算方法,其结果并不是精确的。因此,在实际应用中,需要根据具体情况进行合理的修正和调整,以提高估算结果的准确性。
公路裂缝检测是指利用各种技术手段来检测公路路面上的裂缝情况,以便及时修补和维护公路。公路裂缝是公路路面上常见的损坏形式,如果不及时发现和修补,会导致路面进一步破坏,影响行车安全和路面使用寿命。 公路裂缝检测主要通过以下几种常用方法来实施: 1. 目视检查:人工巡查公路路面,观察裂缝的形状、大小和分布情况。这种方法操作简单,但有一定的主观性和局限性,可能漏检或误判。 2. 拍摄照片:使用摄像机或无人机对公路路面进行拍摄,然后利用图像处理软件分析、测量和检测裂缝情况。这种方法可以提供较为准确的裂缝数据,但需要大量的人力和时间来处理图像数据。 3. 激光扫描:利用激光传感器对公路路面进行扫描,获取三维图像数据,然后通过图像处理和分析软件来检测裂缝。这种方法准确度较高,但设备成本较高,操作需要专业技术。 4. 遥感技术:利用卫星遥感数据或无人机获取公路路面的影像数据,然后利用遥感图像处理技术来检测和分析裂缝。这种方法可以快速获得路面覆盖范围较大的信息,但对裂缝精度要求较高。 综上所述,公路裂缝检测是一项重要的公路养护工作,可以采用多种技术手段来实施,以提高检测的准确性和效率,保障公