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libspatialindex-1.9.3,笔者在Windows 10 系统下,使用Visual Studio 2017编译好的二进制开发包,Release版本,方便大家下载使用
/****************************************************************************** * Project: libsidx - A C API wrapper around libspatialindex * Purpose: C API. * Author: Howard Butler, hobu.inc@gmail.com ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009, Howard Butler * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SIDX_API_H_INCLUDED #define SIDX_API_H_INCLUDED #define SIDX_C_API 1 #include "sidx_config.h" IDX_C_START SIDX_DLL IndexH Index_Create(IndexPropertyH properties); SIDX_DLL IndexH Index_CreateWithStream( IndexPropertyH properties, int (*readNext)(int64_t *id, double **pMin, double **pMax, uint32_t *nDimension, const uint8_t **pData, size_t *nDataLength) ); SIDX_DLL void Index_Destroy(IndexH index); SIDX_DLL IndexPropertyH Index_GetProperties(IndexH index); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_DeleteData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_DeleteTPData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension ); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_DeleteMVRData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension ); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_InsertData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, const uint8_t* pData, size_t nDataLength); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_InsertTPData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, const uint8_t* pData, size_t nDataLength); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_InsertMVRData( IndexH index, int64_t id, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, const uint8_t* pData, size_t nDataLength); SIDX_DLL uint32_t Index_IsValid(IndexH index); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_TPIntersects_obj( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_MVRIntersects_obj( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_Intersects_obj( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_Contains_obj( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_TPIntersects_id( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, int64_t** ids, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_MVRIntersects_id( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, int64_t** ids, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_Intersects_id( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, int64_t** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_Contains_id(IndexH index, double *pdMin, double *pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, int64_t **ids, uint64_t *nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_TPIntersects_count( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_MVRIntersects_count( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_Intersects_count( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_Contains_count( IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_TPNearestNeighbors_obj(IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_MVRNearestNeighbors_obj(IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_DLL RTError Index_NearestNeighbors_obj(IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, uint32_t nDimension, IndexItemH** items, uint64_t* nResults); SIDX_C_DLL RTError Index_TPNearestNeighbors_id(IndexH index, double* pdMin, double* pdMax, double* pdVMin, double* pdVMax, double tStart, double tEnd, uint32_t nDimension, int6


libspatialindex-1.9.3_release.zip 大约有43个文件
  1. QQJiaoLiu.jpg 79.1KB
  2. QQZhaoPin.jpg 79.43KB
  3. wx.jpg 39.44KB
  4. bin/
  5. bin/spatialindex-64.dll 635.5KB
  6. bin/spatialindex_c-64.dll 232KB
  7. include/
  8. include/spatialindex/
  9. include/spatialindex/LineSegment.h 4.1KB
  10. include/spatialindex/MVRTree.h 2.79KB
  11. include/spatialindex/MovingPoint.h 3.22KB
  12. include/spatialindex/MovingRegion.h 6.72KB
  13. include/spatialindex/Point.h 3KB
  14. include/spatialindex/RTree.h 3.25KB
  15. include/spatialindex/Region.h 3.89KB
  16. include/spatialindex/SpatialIndex.h 8.84KB
  17. include/spatialindex/TPRTree.h 2.77KB
  18. include/spatialindex/TimePoint.h 3.91KB
  19. include/spatialindex/TimeRegion.h 4.68KB
  20. include/spatialindex/Version.h 1.94KB
  21. include/spatialindex/capi/
  22. include/spatialindex/capi/BoundsQuery.h 1.99KB
  23. include/spatialindex/capi/CountVisitor.h 1.92KB
  24. include/spatialindex/capi/CustomStorage.h 3.57KB
  25. include/spatialindex/capi/DataStream.h 2.17KB
  26. include/spatialindex/capi/Error.h 2.04KB
  27. include/spatialindex/capi/IdVisitor.h 2.01KB
  28. include/spatialindex/capi/Index.h 3.01KB
  29. include/spatialindex/capi/LeafQuery.h 2.79KB
  30. include/spatialindex/capi/ObjVisitor.h 2.04KB
  31. include/spatialindex/capi/Utility.h 1.9KB
  32. include/spatialindex/capi/sidx_api.h 14.3KB
  33. include/spatialindex/capi/sidx_config.h 2.85KB
  34. include/spatialindex/capi/sidx_export.h 1.9KB
  35. include/spatialindex/capi/sidx_impl.h 1.9KB
  36. include/spatialindex/tools/
  37. include/spatialindex/tools/PointerPool.h 2.84KB
  38. include/spatialindex/tools/PoolPointer.h 3.07KB
  39. include/spatialindex/tools/Tools.h 13.26KB
  40. include/spatialindex/tools/rand48.h 2.9KB
  41. lib/
  42. lib/spatialindex-64.lib 303.39KB
  43. lib/spatialindex_c-64.lib 123.32KB
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