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For the latest version, check Infoceptor http://www.infoceptor.com Battle.LAN v0.5 for Windows 2000/XP - battlelan.zip A network packet forwarder allows wc3 games on Internet. Battle.LAN forwards LAN traffic to remote internet hosts, supplementing LAN applications to allow them to work on the Internet. It is known to work with Warcraft v1.02 CD and No-CD version. Warcraft 3 Setup Guide ====================== 1. Launch Battle.LAN on the game host. 2. Enter the IPs of other players. The game host's IP may be omitted. 3. Press 'Add' to add the IP to the receivers list. 4. Click start. 5. Now create your Warcraft game normally. Your friends will see your game in the LAN game and be able to join it. Revision History ================ v0.5 - Additional client slots v0.4 - Windows GUI instead of console v0.3 - This version works in Windows 2000/XP. v0.2 - Built using Perl Net::RawIP, available on Linux. v0.1 - Built using Java JNI. It takes a proxy approach to packet forwarding. System Requirements =================== - Windows 2000/XP - Administrator previlege to send raw network packets - A nice game :) Features ======== - Small footprint - single exe, no additional library is required - Supports 255 clients - Can be used for other games - Compatible with most firewalls Known Issues ============ - PPP connection support for Warcraft3 LAN game is lacking as Warcraft3 sends packets by an ethernet interface. PPP is not an ethernet connection by Warcraft3's definition. Battle.LAN works with LAN packets only. - This version is Windows 2000/XP only because these Windows versions support raw packet manipulation. Battle.LAN requires this system level function to work. TODO List ========= - Windows 98/Me support - PPP alternatives If you can help with any of these, please kindly leave us an email. Any help will be appreicated. :-) FAQ === Q: Can I play Warcraft 3 using Battle.LAN behind firewall or NAT? A: Yes, you may use Battle.LAN behind a firewall. Make sure your firewall is properly configured to accept and forward on port 6112. Q: Does Battle.LAN work with StarCraft 1.09? A: Yes, StarCraft 1.09 has a nifty LAN game option using UDP protocol. Fire up Battle.LAN on both the host and the clients, entering all the players' addresses in Battle.LAN. If a player is behind a firewall, make sure traffic on port 6111 is allowed. Q: My friend is hosting a Warcraft game with a properly configured Battle.LAN, but I failed to join the game. I see the game in my Warcraft. Why? A: Probably the host is behind a firewall blocking traffic on port 6112. Ask your friend to check the firewall settings with his system administrator. The firewall should accept and forward traffic on port 6112. Q: I cannot see the game! A: Make sure you have ethernet interface installed. PPP connection (e.g. xDSL, Dial-up, VPN) is not actually a LAN interface, games like Warcraft3 will not send out any packet (or to be precise, not send packet to the PPP connection) when it can't detect any ethernet interface. You can try to establish a local LAN and forward incoming and outgoing traffic (for WC3, udp and tcp port 6112) to that interface. Q: Is Windows 98 Supported? A: We will! However, we are still unable to support it in the this release as it requires quite a lot of core code rewrite and library installation. However, we are heading to that and I know that's feasible to have a 98 support soon or later. ;-) Q: Do I need to run Battle.LAN on both clients and server? A: The answer is no for WarCraft and yes for StarCraft. Q: Does Battle.LAN require all the clients and server running Win2k/XP? A: No. Only the one running Battle.LAN needs to be Win2k/XP. Comments and Suggestions ======================== For bug reports and suggestions, please email to battlelan@hotmail.com. Credits ======= Sincere thanks to all those supported and love this program! Many of your ideas are really great and innovative! Especially MaGiX for his help in testing and brillant web design. By C.F. and Yan. Disclaimer ========== Battle.LAN is provided "as is". Battle.LAN does not come with any warranty nor does it guarantee merchantability nor suitability for a particular purpose. The authors are not liable for damages caused by its usage. Use it at your own risk. StarCraft and WarCraft are registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment. Java is registered trademark of SunMicrosystem. Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Cooperation.


battlelan.zip 大约有3个文件
  1. BattleLANv0.5/
  2. BattleLANv0.5/BattleLANv0.5.exe 268KB
  3. readme.txt 4.47KB
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