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DOSBox v0.74 Manual (always use the latest version from www.dosbox.com) ===== NOTE: ===== While we are hoping that one day DOSBox will run all programs ever made for the PC, we are not there yet. At present, DOSBox running on a high-end machine will roughly be the equivalent of a Pentium I PC. DOSBox can be configured to run a wide range of DOS games, from CGA/Tandy/PCjr classics up to games from the Quake era. ====== INDEX: ====== 1. Quickstart 2. Start (FAQ) 3. Command Line Parameters 4. Internal Programs 5. Special Keys 6. Joystick/Gamepad 7. KeyMapper 8. Keyboard Layout 9. Serial Multiplayer feature 10. How to speed up/slow down DOSBox 11. Troubleshooting 12. DOSBox Status Window 13. The configuration (options) file 14. The language file 15. Building your own version of DOSBox 16. Special thanks 17. Contact ============== 1. Quickstart: ============== Type INTRO in DOSBox for a quick tour. It is essential that you get familiar with the idea of mounting, DOSBox does not automatically make any drive (or a part of it) accessible to the emulation. See the FAQ entry "How to start?" as well as the description of the MOUNT command (section 4: "Internal Programs"). If you have your game on a cdrom you may try this guide: http://vogons.zetafleet.com/viewtopic.php?t=8933 =============== 2. Start (FAQ): =============== START: How to start? AUTOMATION: Do I always have to type these "mount" commands? FULLSCREEN: How do I change to fullscreen? CD-ROM: My CD-ROM doesn't work. CD-ROM: The game/application can't find its CD-ROM. MOUSE: The mouse doesn't work. SOUND: There is no sound. SOUND: What sound hardware does DOSBox presently emulate? SOUND: The sound stutters or sounds stretched/weird. KEYBOARD: I can't type \ or : in DOSBox. KEYBOARD: Right Shift and "\" doesn't work in DOSBox. (Windows only) KEYBOARD: The keyboard lags. CONTROL: The character/cursor/mouse pointer always moves into one direction! SPEED: The game/application runs much too slow/too fast! CRASH: The game/application does not run at all/crashes! CRASH: DOSBox crashes on startup! GAME: My Build game(Duke3D/Blood/Shadow Warrior) has problems. SAFETY: Can DOSBox harm my computer? OPTIONS: I would like to change DOSBox's options. HELP: Great Manual, but I still don't get it. START: How to start? At the beginning you've got a Z:\> instead of a C:\> at the prompt. You have to make your directories available as drives in DOSBox by using the "mount" command. For example, in Windows "mount C D:\GAMES" will give you a C drive in DOSBox which points to your Windows D:\GAMES directory (that was created before). In Linux, "mount c /home/username" will give you a C drive in DOSBox which points to /home/username in Linux. To change to the drive mounted like above, type "C:". If everything went fine, DOSBox will display the prompt "C:\>". AUTOMATION: Do I always have to type these commands? In the DOSBox configuration file is an [autoexec] section. The commands present there are run when DOSBox starts, so you can use this section for the mounting. Look at Section 13: The configuration (options) file FULLSCREEN: How do I change to fullscreen? Press alt-enter. Alternatively: Edit the configuration file of DOSBox and change the option fullscreen=false to fullscreen=true. If fullscreen looks wrong in your opinion: Play with the options: fullresolution, output and aspect in the configuration file of DOSBox. To get back from fullscreen mode: Press alt-enter again. CD-ROM: My CD-ROM doesn't work. To mount your CD-ROM in DOSBox you have to specify some additional options when mounting the CD-ROM. To enable CD-ROM support (includes MSCDEX) in Windows: - mount d f:\ -t cdrom in Linux: - mount d /media/cdrom -t cdrom In some cases you might want to use a different CD-ROM interface, for example if CD audio does not work: To enable SDL-support (does not include low-level CD access!): - mount d f:\ -t cdrom -usecd 0 -noioctl To enable ioctl access using digital audio extraction for CD audio (windows-only, useful for Vista): - mount d f:\ -t cdrom -ioctl_dx To enable ioctl access using MCI for CD audio (windows-only): - mount d f:\ -t cdrom -ioctl_mci To force ioctl-only access (windows-only): - mount d f:\ -t cdrom -ioctl_dio To enable low-level aspi-support (win98 with aspi-layer installed): - mount d f:\ -t cdrom -aspi explanation: - d driveletter you will get in DOSBox (d is the best, don't change it!) - f:\ location of CD-ROM on your PC. In most cases it will be d:\ or e:\ - 0 The number of the CD-ROM drive, reported by "mount -cd" (note that this value is only needed when using SDL for CD audio, otherwise it is ignored) See also the next question: The game/application can't find its CD-ROM. CD-ROM: The game/application can't find its CD-ROM. Be sure to mount the CD-ROM with -t cdrom switch, this will enable the MSCDEX interface required by DOS games to interface with CD-ROMs. Also try adding the correct label (-label LABEL) to the mount command, where LABEL is the CD-label (volume ID) of the CD-ROM. Under Windows you can specify -ioctl, -aspi or -noioctl. Look at the description of the mount command in Section 4: "Internal programs" for their meaning and the additional audio-CD related options -ioctl_dx, ioctl_mci, ioctl_dio. Try creating a CD-ROM image (preferably CUE/BIN pair) and use the DOSBox's internal IMGMOUNT tool to mount the image (the CUE sheet). This enables very good low-level CD-ROM support on any operating system. MOUSE: The mouse doesn't work. Usually, DOSBox detects when a game uses mouse control. When you click on the screen it should get locked (confined to the DOSBox window) and work. With certain games, the DOSBox mouse detection doesn't work. In that case you will have to lock the mouse manually by pressing CTRL-F10. SOUND: There is no sound. Be sure that the sound is correctly configured in the game. This might be done during the installation or with a setup/setsound utility that accompanies the game. First see if an autodetection option is provided. If there is none try selecting Soundblaster or Soundblaster 16 with the default settings being "address=220 irq=7 dma=1" (sometimes highdma=5). You might also want to select Sound Canvas/SCC/MPU-401/General MIDI/Wave Blaster at "address=330 IRQ=2" as music device. The parameters of the emulated sound cards can be changed in the DOSBox configuration file. If you still don't get any sound set the core to normal in DOSBox configuration and use some lower fixed cycles value (like cycles=2000). Also assure that your host operating sound does provide sound. In certain cases it might be useful to use a different emulated sound device like a soundblaster pro (sbtype=sbpro1 in the DOSBox configuration file) or the gravis ultrasound (gus=true). SOUND: What sound hardware does DOSBox presently emulate? DOSBox emulates several legacy sound devices: - Internal PC speaker/Buzzer This emulation includes both the tone generator and several forms of digital sound output through the internal speaker. - Creative CMS/Gameblaster The is the first card released by Creative Labs(R). The default configuration places it on address 220. It is disabled as default. - Tandy 3 voice The emulation of


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  2. TT/aq7z.dll 94KB
  3. TT/aqhttp.dll 276.5KB
  4. TT/Documentation/
  5. TT/Documentation/AUTHORS.txt 276B
  6. TT/Documentation/COPYING.txt 17.9KB
  7. TT/Documentation/INSTALL.txt 3.84KB
  8. TT/Documentation/NEWS.txt 31.38KB
  9. TT/Documentation/README.txt 61.72KB
  10. TT/Documentation/THANKS.txt 1001B
  11. TT/DOSBox 0.74 Manual.txt 61.72KB
  12. TT/DOSBox 0.74 Options.bat 107B
  13. TT/DOSBox.exe 3.55MB
  14. TT/false.conf 6.74KB
  15. TT/Greening.dll 263KB
  16. TT/InstallCfg.config 282B
  17. TT/PlayGame.exe 2.41MB
  18. TT/Reset KeyMapper.bat 23B
  19. TT/Reset Options.bat 21B
  20. TT/rungame.ini 485B
  21. TT/Screenshots & Recordings.bat 37B
  22. TT/SDL.dll 437.73KB
  23. TT/SDL_net.dll 13KB
  24. TT/true.conf 6.74KB
  25. TT/TT/
  26. TT/TT/readme.txt 5.16KB
  27. TT/TT/tt.exe 98.23KB
  28. TT/TT/tt.his 17.89KB
  29. TT/TT/TT.HLP 12.35KB
  30. TT/TT/tt.PIF 2.79KB
  31. TT/TT窗口游戏.bat 30B
  32. TT/TT打字全屏.bat 29B
  33. TT/Video Codec/
  34. TT/Video Codec/Video Instructions.txt 1.57KB
  35. TT/Video Codec/zmbv.dll 152KB
  36. TT/Video Codec/zmbv.inf 3.95KB
  37. TT/说明.txt 17.26KB
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petf.py:这个模块是宠物功能的核心,涵盖了宠物的进阶、技能使用、抽奖和商店交易等。玩家可以查看宠物的详细属性,如生命值和攻击力,并使用特定的丹药来提升宠物的能力。此外,玩家还可以通过选择不同的种族(如灭天族、神族、仙族)来进行针对性的宠物培养。游戏中的抽奖系统允许玩家用金子(游戏货币)来获取新的宠物或宠物碎片。 main.py:作为游戏的启动点,这个脚本设置了玩家的初始状态,包括金钱和宠物。它提供了一个用户界面,玩家可以通过这个界面选择不同的游戏模式,比如进入宠物养成系统、开始对战、进行游戏测试或充值金子。这个脚本还负责处理用户的选择和调用相应的功能。 petvs.py:这个模块负责实现宠物对战的逻辑。玩家首先选择对战的难度级别,然后从自己的宠物中选择三个进行上阵。在对战中,玩家可以根据自己的战略选择使用宠物的技能,并观察战斗的实时变化。战斗结束后,根据结果,玩家的金钱会相应增减。 游戏中的宠物拥有独特的技能和属性,这些可以通过消耗特定的资源来增强。例如,宠物可以通过消耗凡丹、妖丹或仙丹来提升生命值和攻击力。此外,宠物还有命座系统,可以通过消耗碎片来提升宠物的星级。
20newsgroups数据集下载,机器学习必用,不需要连外网使用。下载数据集后需要修改代码才能使用。 使用方法: 找到D:\software-1\anaconda\Lib\site-packages\sklearn\datasets\_twenty_newsgroups.py下的_twenty_newsgroups.py文件,找到函数_download_20newsgroups,注释#logger.info("Downloading dataset from %s (14 MB)", ARCHIVE.url)和 # archive_path = _fetch_remote(ARCHIVE, dirname=target_dir),新增archive_path = os.path.join(target_dir, r'20news-bydate.tar.gz')
简要总结和内容描述: main.py: 这个游戏的主控脚本,负责游戏循环和用户界面显示。它提供了一个菜单系统,允许玩家选择不同的游戏功能,如背包、地图、锻造、商店等。 duplicate.py: 包含有关游戏内“副本”或“挑战”的逻辑。玩家可以挑战不同难度的副本,并根据挑战结果获得奖励或遭受失败。 mob.py: 定义了一个Mob类,可能用于处理游戏中的怪物或其他角色。此类包含有关角色生命值计算、经验处理和皮肤系统的方法。 fight.py: 包含战斗系统的代码,允许玩家与怪物战斗,并根据战斗结果获得奖励。 unfight.py: 包含非战斗相关的功能,如计算角色的生命值、转生系统、商店界面和合成系统。 data.py: 包含游戏的初始数据和一些全局变量,如角色基本属性、背包内容、用户名称、怪物类型和地图数据。 basic_f.py: 提供了一些基础函数,如数组求和、数组相加、数组相乘、移除数组中的元素、展示装备属性和数值显示等。 脚本共同构成了一个具有角色扮演元素的游戏,包括战斗、装备、升级、转生和资源管理等系统。代码中使用了大量的列表和数组来存储游戏状态和玩家数据,并