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考试认证 14.51MB 18 需要积分: 1


华三路由交换认证H3CNE模拟题库 H3CNE(GB0-191) V7.0 .vce与软件
VCE EXAM SIMULATOR END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ====================================================================== This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you and Avanset, please read it carefully. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT OR PURCHASING ITS LICENSE CODE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE. USING ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE OR PURCHASING ITS LICENSE CODE INDICATES THAT YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. The Software is protected by applicable national copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Software is licensed, not sold. Global Simulators Ltd retains all the rights, which are not expressly granted to You according to the present License Agreement. GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VCE Exam Simulator software is available in two versions: VCE Exam Simulator Basic, which includes VCE Player, and VCE Exam Simulator Pro, which includes VCE Player and VCE Designer software. DEMO VERSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The demo version of VCE Exam Simulator may be used for demo purposes at the user's own risk only. It allows for the limited functionality of the VCE Exam Simulator software. In the demo version, VCE Designer allows for creation of the VCE files without the option of saving them. The demo version of VCE Player allows to play the first 5 (five) questions of a VCE file only. To access the full functionality of the VCE Exam Simulator software, the user needs to upgrade to the licensed version. The demo version may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of VCE Exam Simulator. LICENSED VERSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Once registered, the user is granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable license to use VCE Exam Simulator on 2 computers only per each license purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered VCE Exam Simulator software may not be rented or leased. VCE Exam Simulator license versions vary in their type and duration. Depending on the user�s preference, 1 month, 3, 6 or 12-month license for VCE Exam Simulator Basic or VCE Exam Simulator Pro can be purchased. Unless otherwise selected, the license will be automatically renewed at the end of the licensing period, and the user will be charged accordingly. To cancel the automated renewal option, you need to disable this feature in your Avanset account settings. The software won�t be working after the end of the license period unless it has been renewed. TERMS OF USE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- During your purchase of VCE Exam Simulator, your personal Avanset account will be created. Per each account, user will be able to use the software on 2 (two) computers only. The account can only be used by the individual (or entity) it is registered for and should not be shared with other parties. Any distribution of the account details/ unlicensed VCE Exam Simulator software usage by other parties shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the rights granted in this EULA. There are no additional license fees, apart from the cost of the license, associated with the creation and distribution of VCE Exam Simulator exam files. Legally registered owners may use their copies of VCE Exam Simulator to produce exam files and to distribute those files free of any additional royalties. You may not copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU AT NO CHARGE. YOU AGREE THAT AVANSET HAS MADE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, ORAL OR WRITTEN, TO YOU REGARDING THE PRODUCTS AND THAT THE PRODUCTS ARE BEING PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. AVANSET DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AVANSET SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, COVER, RELIANCE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFIT) ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE UNDER OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. The terms of this license are subject to change in future versions of VCE Exam Simulator. Global Simulators Ltd reserves the right to amend these terms at any time without prior notice. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must remove VCE Exam Simulator files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using VCE Exam Simulator! Global Simulators Ltd. Web: http://www.avanset.com E-mail: support@avanset.com


H3CNE模拟题库.zip 大约有10个文件
  1. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/
  2. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_H3CNE(GB0-191) V7.0 .vce 5.64MB
  3. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/
  4. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/applauncher.exe 37.52KB
  5. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/eimhe.com_H3CNE(GB0-191) V7.0 -5.vce 5.64MB
  6. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/libcryptvce.dll 283.5KB
  7. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/libeay32.dll 1.13MB
  8. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/license.txt 5.45KB
  9. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/player.exe 7.09MB
  10. 美河学习在线eimhe.com_H3CNE模拟题库/eimhe.com_VCE1.0.2(软件会提示升级,勿升级)/sqlite3.dll 516.4KB
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