#ifndef __glut_h__
#define __glut_h__
/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998. */
/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is
provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This
program is -not- in the public domain. */
#if defined(_WIN32)
/* GLUT 3.7 now tries to avoid including
to avoid name space pollution, but Win32's
needs APIENTRY and WINGDIAPI defined properly. */
# if 0
/* This would put tons of macros and crap in our clean name space. */
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include
# else
/* XXX This is from Win32's */
# ifndef APIENTRY
# if (_MSC_VER >= 800) || defined(_STDCALL_SUPPORTED) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__LCC__)
# define APIENTRY __stdcall
# else
# define APIENTRY
# endif
# endif
/* XXX This is from Win32's */
# ifndef CALLBACK
# if (defined(_M_MRX000) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(_M_PPC)) && !defined(MIDL_PASS) || defined(__LCC__)
# define CALLBACK __stdcall
# else
# define CALLBACK
# endif
# endif
/* XXX Hack for lcc compiler. It doesn't support __declspec(dllimport), just __stdcall. */
# if defined( __LCC__ )
# define WINGDIAPI __stdcall
# else
/* XXX This is from Win32's and */
# ifndef WINGDIAPI
# define WINGDIAPI __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# endif
/* XXX This is from Win32's */
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
# endif
# endif
/* To disable automatic library usage for GLUT, define GLUT_NO_LIB_PRAGMA
in your compile preprocessor options. */
# if !defined(GLUT_BUILDING_LIB) && !defined(GLUT_NO_LIB_PRAGMA)
# pragma comment (lib, "winmm.lib") /* link with Windows MultiMedia lib */
/* To enable automatic SGI OpenGL for Windows library usage for GLUT,
define GLUT_USE_SGI_OPENGL in your compile preprocessor options. */
# pragma comment (lib, "opengl.lib") /* link with SGI OpenGL for Windows lib */
# pragma comment (lib, "glu.lib") /* link with SGI OpenGL Utility lib */
# pragma comment (lib, "glut.lib") /* link with Win32 GLUT for SGI OpenGL lib */
# else
# pragma comment (lib, "opengl32.lib") /* link with Microsoft OpenGL lib */
# pragma comment (lib, "glu32.lib") /* link with Microsoft OpenGL Utility lib */
# pragma comment (lib, "glut32.lib") /* link with Win32 GLUT lib */
# endif
# endif
/* To disable supression of annoying warnings about floats being promoted
to doubles, define GLUT_NO_WARNING_DISABLE in your compile preprocessor
options. */
# pragma warning (disable:4244) /* Disable bogus VC++ 4.2 conversion warnings. */
# pragma warning (disable:4305) /* VC++ 5.0 version of above warning. */
# endif
/* Win32 has an annoying issue where there are multiple C run-time
libraries (CRTs). If the executable is linked with a different CRT
from the GLUT DLL, the GLUT DLL will not share the same CRT static
data seen by the executable. In particular, atexit callbacks registered
in the executable will not be called if GLUT calls its (different)
exit routine). GLUT is typically built with the
"/MD" option (the CRT with multithreading DLL support), but the Visual
C++ linker default is "/ML" (the single threaded CRT).
One workaround to this issue is requiring users to always link with
the same CRT as GLUT is compiled with. That requires users supply a
non-standard option. GLUT 3.7 has its own built-in workaround where
the executable's "exit" function pointer is covertly passed to GLUT.
GLUT then calls the executable's exit function pointer to ensure that
any "atexit" calls registered by the application are called if GLUT
needs to exit.
Note that the __glut*WithExit routines should NEVER be called directly.
To avoid the atexit workaround, #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK. */
/* XXX This is from Win32's */
# if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__cdecl)
/* Define __cdecl for non-Microsoft compilers. */
# define __cdecl
# endif
# ifndef _CRTIMP
# ifdef _NTSDK
/* Definition compatible with NT SDK */
# define _CRTIMP
# else
/* Current definition */
# ifdef _DLL
# define _CRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
# else
# define _CRTIMP
# endif
# endif
# endif
/* GLUT API entry point declarations for Win32. */
# define GLUTAPI __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# ifdef _DLL
# define GLUTAPI __declspec(dllimport)
# else
# define GLUTAPI extern
# endif
# endif
/* GLUT callback calling convention for Win32. */
# define GLUTCALLBACK __cdecl
#endif /* _WIN32 */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(_WIN32)
extern _CRTIMP void __cdecl exit(int);
# endif
/* non-Win32 case. */
/* Define APIENTRY and CALLBACK to nothing if we aren't on Win32. */
# define APIENTRY
# define CALLBACK
/* Define GLUTAPI and GLUTCALLBACK as below if we aren't on Win32. */
# define GLUTAPI extern
/* Prototype exit for the non-Win32 case (see above). */
extern void exit(int);
GLUT API revision history:
GLUT_API_VERSION is updated to reflect incompatible GLUT
API changes (interface changes, semantic changes, deletions,
or additions).
GLUT_API_VERSION=1 First public release of GLUT. 11/29/94
GLUT_API_VERSION=2 Added support for OpenGL/GLX multisampling,
extension. Supports new input devices like tablet, dial and button
box, and Spaceball. Easy to query OpenGL extensions.
GLUT_API_VERSION=3 glutMenuStatus added.
GLUT_API_VERSION=4 glutInitDisplayString, glutWarpPointer,
glutBitmapLength, glutStrokeLength, glutWindowStatusFunc, dynamic
video resize subAPI, glutPostWindowRedisplay, glutKeyboardUpFunc,
glutSpecialUpFunc, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutSetKeyRepeat,
glutJoystickFunc, glutForceJoystickFunc (NOT FINALIZED!).
#ifndef GLUT_API_VERSION /* allow this to be overriden */
GLUT implementation revision history:
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION is updated to reflect both GLUT
API revisions and implementation revisions (ie, bug fixes).
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=1 mjk's first public release of
GLUT Xlib-based implementation. 11/29/94
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=2 mjk's second public release of
GLUT Xlib-based implementation providing GLUT version 2
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=3 mjk's GLUT 2.2 images. 4/17/95
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=4 mjk's GLUT 2.3 images. 6/?/95
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=5 mjk's GLUT 3.0 images. 10/?/95
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=7 mjk's GLUT 3.1+ with glutWarpPoitner. 7/24/96
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=8 mjk's GLUT 3.1+ with glutWarpPoitner
and video resize. 1/3/97
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=9 mjk's GLUT 3.4 release with early GLUT 4 routines.
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=11 Mesa 2.5's GLUT 3.6 release.
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=12 mjk's GLUT 3.6 release with early GLUT 4 routines + signal handling.
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=13 mjk's GLUT 3.7 beta with GameGLUT support.
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=14 mjk's GLUT 3.7 beta with f90gl friend interface.
GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=15 mjk's GLUT 3.7 beta sync'ed with Mesa
#ifndef GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION /* Allow this to be overriden. */
/* Display mode bit masks. */
#define GLUT_RGB 0
#define GLUT_RGBA GL