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游戏开发 210.45KB 76 需要积分: 1


Unity中使用DOTween动画插件,控制Camera,GameObject 实现移动,旋转等动画效果
DOTween and DOTween Pro are copyright (c) 2014-2018 Daniele Giardini - Demigiant // IMPORTANT!!! ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Upgrading DOTween from versions older than 1.2.000 /////// // (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) ////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------------- If you're upgrading your project from a version of DOTween older than 1.2.000 (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) please follow these instructions carefully. 1) Import the new version in the same folder as the previous one, overwriting old files. A lot of errors will appear but don't worry 2) Close and reopen Unity (and your project). This is fundamental: skipping this step will cause a bloodbath 3) Open DOTween's Utility Panel (Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel) if it doesn't open automatically, then press "Setup DOTween...": this will run the upgrade setup 4) From the Add/Remove Modules panel that opens, activate/deactivate Modules for Unity systems and for external assets (Pro version only) // GET STARTED ////////////////////////////////////////////// - After importing a new DOTween update, select DOTween's Utility Panel from the "Tools/Demigiant" menu (if it doesn't open automatically) and press the "Setup DOTween..." button to activate/deactivate Modules. You can also access a Preferences Tab from there to choose default settings for DOTween. - In your code, add "using DG.Tweening" to each class where you want to use DOTween. - You're ready to tween. Check out the links below for full documentation and license info. // LINKS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DOTween website (documentation, examples, etc): http://dotween.demigiant.com DOTween license: http://dotween.demigiant.com/license.php DOTween repository (Google Code): https://code.google.com/p/dotween/ Demigiant website (documentation, examples, etc): http://www.demigiant.com // NOTES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - DOTween's Utility Panel can be found under "Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel" and also contains other useful options, plus a tab to set DOTween's preferences


DOTween_1_2_765.zip 大约有27个文件
  1. DOTween/
  2. DOTween/DOTween.dll 171.5KB
  3. DOTween/DOTween.dll.mdb 66.01KB
  4. DOTween/DOTween.XML 227.51KB
  5. DOTween/readme.txt 2.14KB
  6. DOTween/Editor/
  7. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenEditor.dll 69KB
  8. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenEditor.dll.mdb 12.35KB
  9. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenEditor.XML 7.77KB
  10. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenUpgradeManager.dll 10.5KB
  11. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenUpgradeManager.dll.mdb 909B
  12. DOTween/Editor/DOTweenUpgradeManager.XML 527B
  13. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/
  14. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/DOTweenIcon.png 1.53KB
  15. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/DOTweenMiniIcon.png 319B
  16. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/Footer.png 4.31KB
  17. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/Footer_dark.png 4.33KB
  18. DOTween/Editor/Imgs/Header.jpg 22.25KB
  19. DOTween/Modules/
  20. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleAudio.cs 8.73KB
  21. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleEPOOutline.cs 6.69KB
  22. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModulePhysics.cs 13.66KB
  23. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModulePhysics2D.cs 11.84KB
  24. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleSprite.cs 4.07KB
  25. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleUI.cs 42.23KB
  26. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleUnityVersion.cs 17.89KB
  27. DOTween/Modules/DOTweenModuleUtils.cs 6.56KB
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