PL2303 Driver Setup Installer, Prolific Edition
Setup Installer Revision Note History
System Requirement:
. USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 Host Controller
. Device using PL2303HXA/XA/HXD/EA/RA/SA/TA/TB version chips
. Supports the following Windows OS Family (32 and 64 bit):
- Windows 2000 SP4
- Windows XP SP2 and SP3
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008R2
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 8.1
- Windows Server 2012R2
- Windows 10
- Windows 8/8.1/Server2012/Server2012R2 and Windows 10 are NOT supported in PL2303HXA/XA EOL chip versions (discontinued).
- Download latest PL2303 CheckChipVersion tool program to check chip version in Windows 7. (Or ask your cable vendor)
- Prolific recommends cables with PL2303HXD or PL2303TA chip.
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP driver technical support are discontinued.
Supported device ID and product strings:
. VID_067B&PID_2303 for "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port" (PL2303 series)
. VID_067B&PID_2304 for "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port" (PL2303TB chip)
Driver Versions:
- WDM WHQL Driver: v2.1.51.238 (10/22/2013) - for Windows 2000/XP/Server2003
- WDF WHQL Driver: v3.6.81.357 (09/04/2015) - for Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10; Server2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2
Release Notes:
PL2303 Driver Installer v1.12.0
Installer & Build date: 1.12.0 (2015-10-07)
. Fixed cannot uninstall driver properly if cable is attached.
Windows WDF WHQL Driver v3.6.81.357 (09/04/2015):
Driver Change from v3.6.78.350 (Driver Installer v1.11.0):
. Fixed timing delay issue.
Driver Change from v3.4.67.325 (Driver Installer v1.10.0):
. Fixed customer BSOD issue when plug in USB 3.0 host controller under Windows 8.1.
. Supports GPIO default value configuration in external EEPROM or OTPROM using EEWriter v2.1.0.0.
. Passed Windows 10 logo certification (HLK).
Driver Change from v3.4.62.293 (Driver Installer v1.9.0):
. Fixed Win7/8 to WinXP data transfer customer issue (38400bps). Adjust timeout constant.
. Fixed problem with SecureCRT program when setting DTR/DSR flow control.
. Fixed ClearCommError issue.
. Added 5787 and 300kbps baudrate support.
. Supports "IRP_MJ_CLEANUP". Fixed customer application cannot re-open COM port after closing port.
. Improve device enumeration when PC reboots and device is plugged in.
Driver Change from v3.4.48.272 (Driver Installer v1.8.0 & 1.8.19):
. Driver will delay 1.5ms when AP execute GET_MODEMSTATUS.
. Fixed teraterm timeout/slow response issue.
. Fixed GPIO 2 & 3 function for HXD chip.
. Add 3250000bps baud support.
. GPIO 2,3 set as default input pin.
. Add auxiliary GPIO 4~7 driver support for HXD chip.
. Fixed modem issue (Disable SerialWdmFileRead).
. Add 256000 bps baud support for PL2303TA/TB.
. Fixed customer VB AP issue.
. Improve Serial Mouse enumeration.
Driver Change from v3.4.36.247 (Driver Installer v1.7.0):
. Fixed 110 bps on PL2303RA/SA/EA/TA/TB.
. Modify CheckChipVersion API (do not lock VID/PID).
. Fixed HXD chip is detected as HXC chip when BCD is written as 0300 instead of 0400.
. Added 80bps baud support.
. Fixed GPS device will be detected as MS Serial Ballpoint device.
. Fixed driver conflict with different VID/PID device. (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION)
. Fixed Teraterm loopback timeout issue.
Driver Change from v3.4.31.231:
. Fixed Putty/HTerm BSOD issue in Win7 64-bit. (for HXD chip only)
. Fixed HyperTerminal timeout issue when transferring large file. (for HXD chip only)
. Fixed Windows HCK logo test for Windows 8, 7, Vista WHQL driver.
Driver Change from v3.4.25.218:
. Added driver support for new chip versions (PL2303EA, RA, SA).
. Supports new CheckChipVersion v1.0.0.2 and above program for checking all Prolific chip version.
. Fixed COM Port won't disappear when unplug PL2303 during data transfer (Write Timeout issue).
. Fixed Putty program BSOD issue on continuous transfer at 115200bps.
. Fixed 12Mbps baudrate support for PL2303TB chip version.
. Does NOT support Windows 8 for EOL chip versions (PL2303H, PL2303HXA, PL2303XA).
. For Windows 8: use PL2303HXD, PL2303TA, PL2303EA, PL2303SA, PL2303RA, PL2303TB.
Driver Change from v3.3.17.203:
. Added driver support for Prolific next-gen USB-to-Serial chips (Codename TA/TB).
- old driver will not work on baudrates higher than 115200bps.
. No driver functional difference for current H/HX/X chip versions.
Driver Change from v3.3.11.152:
. Use different service name in INF file to avoid driver conflict with XP INF driver.
- change line in INF file to {Serial.SVCDESC = "Prolific Serial port WDFdriver"}
. Added USB Selective Suspend power saving feature requested by Notebook PC vendors.
- Chip will go to sleep mode when idle for 10 seconds and COM port not open.
- Chip will NOT go to sleep mode when COM port is OPEN.
- requires to write Remote Wakeup in external EEPROM.
. Modify "SerialUndoExternalNaming" routine.
- Fix COM port is not removed in registry when device is unplug and program still open.
- update registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIAL COMM when unplug and replug.
. Added support for TransmitCommChar() function.
. Added SpinLock function to fix customer GPS application.
Windows WDM 2000/XP/Server2003 Driver v2.1.51.238 (10/22/2013)
Beginning September 2014, Windows XP driver will not be updated anymore.
Driver Change from v2.1.44.226 (Driver Installer v1.8.0 & 1.8.19):
. Driver will delay 1.5ms when AP execute GET_MODEMSTATUS.
. Fixed GPIO 2 & 3 function for HXD chip.
. Add 3250000bps baud support.
. GPIO 2,3 set as default input pin.
. Add auxiliary GPIO 4~7 driver support for HXD chip.
. Add 256000 bps baud support for PL2303TA/TB.
. Improve Serial Mouse enumeration.
. Fixed WHQL test using HCK 2.0.
Driver Change from v2.1.35.211 (Driver Installer v1.7.0):
. Fixed 110 bps on PL2303RA/SA/EA/TA/TB.
. Modify CheckChipVersion API (do not lock VID/PID).
. Fixed HXD chip is detected as HXC chip when BCD is written as 0300 instead of 0400.
. Added 80bps baud support.
. Fixed GPS device will be detected as MS Serial Ballpoint device.
. Fixed Disable-Enable device issue in Windows 2000 Device Manager.
Driver Change from v2.1.30.193:
. Fixed write timeout intermittent issue (COM port won't disappear) during USB surprise removal.
. Fixed new Windows HCK logo test for XP WHQL driver.
Driver Change from v2.1.27.185:
. Added driver support for new chip versions (PL2303EA, RA, SA).
. Supports new CheckChipVersion v1.0.0.2 and above program for checking all Prolific chip version.
. Fixed