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[rCore学习笔记 019]在main中测试本章实现

2024年07月30日 15:25




GitHhub:https://github.com/WindDevil (目前啥也没有








  1. 引入上述编写模块
    1. 嵌入link_app.S
    2. 引入batch,trap,syscall
  2. 初始化模块
  3. 开始运行用户态APP


pub mod batch;
pub mod syscall;
pub mod trap;

pub fn rust_main() -> ! {


//! The main module and entrypoint
//! Various facilities of the kernels are implemented as submodules. The most
//! important ones are:
//! - [`trap`]: Handles all cases of switching from userspace to the kernel
//! - [`syscall`]: System call handling and implementation
//! The operating system also starts in this module. Kernel code starts
//! executing from `entry.asm`, after which [`rust_main()`] is called to
//! initialize various pieces of functionality. (See its source code for
//! details.)
//! We then call [`batch::run_next_app()`] and for the first time go to
//! userspace.


use core::arch::global_asm;

use log::*;
mod console;
pub mod batch;
mod lang_items;
mod logging;
mod sbi;
mod sync;
pub mod syscall;
pub mod trap;


/// clear BSS segment
fn clear_bss() {
    extern "C" {
        fn sbss();
        fn ebss();
    unsafe {
        core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(sbss as usize as *mut u8, ebss as usize - sbss as usize)

/// the rust entry-point of os
pub fn rust_main() -> ! {
    extern "C" {
        fn stext(); // begin addr of text segment
        fn etext(); // end addr of text segment
        fn srodata(); // start addr of Read-Only data segment
        fn erodata(); // end addr of Read-Only data ssegment
        fn sdata(); // start addr of data segment
        fn edata(); // end addr of data segment
        fn sbss(); // start addr of BSS segment
        fn ebss(); // end addr of BSS segment
        fn boot_stack_lower_bound(); // stack lower bound
        fn boot_stack_top(); // stack top
    println!("[kernel] Hello, world!");
        "[kernel] .text [{:#x}, {:#x})",
        stext as usize,
        etext as usize
        "[kernel] .rodata [{:#x}, {:#x})",
        srodata as usize, erodata as usize
        "[kernel] .data [{:#x}, {:#x})",
        sdata as usize, edata as usize
        "[kernel] boot_stack top=bottom={:#x}, lower_bound={:#x}",
        boot_stack_top as usize, boot_stack_lower_bound as usize
    error!("[kernel] .bss [{:#x}, {:#x})", sbss as usize, ebss as usize);



cd os
make run


error: expected expression, found keyword `extern`
  --> src/batch.rs:94:13
94 |             extern "C" 
   |             ^^^^^^ expected expression

error: cannot find macro `asm` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:84:9
84 |         asm!("fence.i")
   |         ^^^
help: consider importing this macro
1  + use core::arch::asm;

error: cannot find macro `global_asm` in this scope
 --> src/trap/mod.rs:3:1
3 | global_asm!(include_str!("trap.S"));
  | ^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider importing one of these items
3 + use core::arch::global_asm;
3 + use crate::global_asm;

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:34:36
34 |     pub fn push_context(&self, cx: TrapContext) -> &'static mut TrapContext {
   |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:34:65
34 |     pub fn push_context(&self, cx: TrapContext) -> &'static mut TrapContext {
   |                                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:35:60
35 |         let cx_ptr = (self.get_sp() - core::mem::size_of::<TrapContext>()) as *mut TrapContext;
   |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: you might be missing a type parameter
30 | impl<TrapContext> KernelStack {
   |     +++++++++++++

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:35:84
35 |         let cx_ptr = (self.get_sp() - core::mem::size_of::<TrapContext>()) as *mut TrapContext;
   |                                                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0412]: cannot find type `RefCell` in this scope
 --> src/sync/up.rs:5:12
5 |     inner: RefCell<T>,
  |            ^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this struct
3 + use core::cell::RefCell;

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `RefCell`
  --> src/sync/up.rs:14:23
14 |         Self { inner: RefCell::new(value) }
   |                       ^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `RefCell`
help: consider importing this struct
3  + use core::cell::RefCell;

error[E0412]: cannot find type `RefMut` in this scope
  --> src/sync/up.rs:17:39
17 |     pub fn exclusive_access(&self) -> RefMut<'_, T> {
   |                                       ^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this struct
3  + use core::cell::RefMut;

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:13:30
13 | pub fn trap_handler(cx: &mut TrapContext) -> &mut TrapContext {
   |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:13:51
13 | pub fn trap_handler(cx: &mut TrapContext) -> &mut TrapContext {
   |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find function `syscall` in this scope
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:19:24
19 |             cx.x[10] = syscall(cx.x[17], [cx.x[10], cx.x[11], cx.x[12]]) as usize;
   |                        ^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this function
3  + use crate::syscall::syscall;

error[E0425]: cannot find function `run_next_app` in this scope
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:24:13
24 |             run_next_app();
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this function
3  + use crate::batch::run_next_app;

error[E0425]: cannot find function `run_next_app` in this scope
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:28:13
28 |             run_next_app();
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this function
3  + use crate::batch::run_next_app;

error[E0425]: cannot find function `init` in module `batch`
  --> src/main.rs:88:12
88 |     batch::init();
   |            ^^^^ not found in `batch`
help: consider importing one of these items
23 + use crate::logging::init;
23 + use crate::trap::init;
help: if you import `init`, refer to it directly
88 -     batch::init();
88 +     init();

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src/batch.rs:80:41
80  |         core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(APP_BASE_ADDRESS as *const u8, APP_SIZE_LIMIT).fill(0);
    |         ------------------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ types differ in mutability
    |         |
    |         arguments to this function are incorrect
    = note: expected raw pointer `*mut _`
               found raw pointer `*const u8`
note: function defined here
   --> /home/winddevil/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2024-05-01-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/slice/raw.rs:147:21
147 | pub const unsafe fn from_raw_parts_mut<'a, T>(data: *mut T, len: usize) -> &'a mut [T] {
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0599]: the method `get` exists for struct `Lazy<UPSafeCell<AppManager>>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
   --> src/batch.rs:88:1
88  | / lazy_static!
89  | | {
90  | |     static ref APP_MANAGER: UPSafeCell<AppManager> = unsafe 
91  | |     {
...   |
110 | |     };
111 | | }
    | |_^ method cannot be called on `Lazy<UPSafeCell<AppManager>>` due to unsatisfied trait bounds
   ::: src/sync/up.rs:3:1
3   |   pub struct UPSafeCell<T> {
    |   ------------------------ doesn't satisfy `UPSafeCell<AppManager>: Sized`
    = note: the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
            `{type error}: Sized`
            which is required by `UPSafeCell<AppManager>: Sized`
    = note: this error originates in the macro `__lazy_static_internal` which comes from the expansion of the macro `lazy_static` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `TrapContext`
   --> src/batch.rs:126:13
126 |             TrapContext::app_init_context(APP_BASE_ADDRESS, USER_STACK.get_sp())
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `TrapContext`

error[E0425]: cannot find function `sys_write` in this scope
 --> src/syscall/mod.rs:5:26
5 |         SYSCALL_WRITE => sys_write(args[0], args[1] as *const u8, args[2]),
  |                          ^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find function `sys_exit` in this scope
 --> src/syscall/mod.rs:6:25
6 |         SYSCALL_EXIT => sys_exit(args[0] as i32),
  |                         ^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `stvec`
 --> src/trap/mod.rs:8:9
8 |         stvec::write(__alltraps as usize, TrapMode::Direct);
  |         ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `stvec`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `TrapMode`
 --> src/trap/mod.rs:8:43
8 |         stvec::write(__alltraps as usize, TrapMode::Direct);
  |                                           ^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `TrapMode`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `scause`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:14:18
14 |     let scause = scause::read();
   |                  ^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `scause`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `stval`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:15:17
15 |     let stval = stval::read();
   |                 ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `stval`

error: unused variable: `metadata`
  --> src/logging.rs:9:23
9  |     fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool 
   |                       ^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_metadata`
note: the lint level is defined here
  --> src/main.rs:18:9
18 | #![deny(warnings)]
   |         ^^^^^^^^
   = note: `#[deny(unused_variables)]` implied by `#[deny(warnings)]`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Exception`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:26:25
26 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::IllegalInstruction) => {
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `Exception`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Trap`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:26:9
26 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::IllegalInstruction) => {
   |         ^^^^ use of undeclared type `Trap`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Exception`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:22:25
22 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::StorePageFault) => {
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `Exception`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Trap`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:22:9
22 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::StorePageFault) => {
   |         ^^^^ use of undeclared type `Trap`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Exception`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:21:25
21 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::StoreFault) |
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `Exception`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Trap`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:17:9
17 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::UserEnvCall) => {
   |         ^^^^ use of undeclared type `Trap`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Exception`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:17:25
17 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::UserEnvCall) => {
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `Exception`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Trap`
  --> src/trap/mod.rs:21:9
21 |         Trap::Exception(Exception::StoreFault) |
   |         ^^^^ use of undeclared type `Trap`

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0308, E0412, E0425, E0433, E0599.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
error: could not compile `os` (bin "os") due to 34 previous errors
make: *** [Makefile:42: kernel] Error 101


首先是在batch.rs里加入use core::arch::asm;:

error: cannot find macro `asm` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:84:9
84 |         asm!("fence.i")
   |         ^^^
help: consider importing this macro
1  + use core::arch::asm;

同样地,在src/trap/mod.rs里边加入use core::arch::global_asm;:

error: cannot find macro `global_asm` in this scope
 --> src/trap/mod.rs:3:1
3 | global_asm!(include_str!("trap.S"));
  | ^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider importing one of these items
3 + use core::arch::global_asm;
3 + use crate::global_asm;

batch.rs加入use crate::trap::TrapContext;,这时候我们发现实际上在src/trap/mod.rs里也没有声明TrapContext则在里边声明mod context;:

error[E0412]: cannot find type `TrapContext` in this scope
  --> src/batch.rs:34:36
34 |     pub fn push_context(&self, cx: TrapContext) -> &'static mut TrapContext {
   |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope


src/sync/up.rs里加入use core::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};:

error[E0412]: cannot find type `RefCell` in this scope
 --> src/sync/up.rs:5:12
5 |     inner: RefCell<T>,
  |            ^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this struct
3 + use core::cell::RefCell;
error[E0412]: cannot find type `RefMut` in this scope
  --> src/sync/up.rs:17:39
17 |     pub fn exclusive_access(&self) -> RefMut<'_, T> {
   |                                       ^^^^^^ not found in this scope
help: consider importing this struct
3  + use core::cell::RefMut;


error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `riscv`
 --> src/trap/context.rs:2:5
2 | use riscv::register::sstatus::{self, Sstatus, SPP};
  |     ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `riscv`

Cargo.toml加入riscv = { git = "https://github.com/rcore-os/riscv", features = ["inline-asm"] }

同理,把所有的这种依赖性问题都解决, 不一定 是对应着这个报错列表来,而是可以选择根据rust-analyzer自动报错的内容,顺便改一下.


error: missing documentation for an associated function

这意味着你在编译一个 Rust 项目时启用了某个 lint (编译时检查规则),该 lint 要求所有关联函数都必须有文档注释.



error: unused variable: `metadata`
  --> src/logging.rs:9:23
9  |     fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool 
   |                       ^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_metadata`



    .section .text
    .globl __alltraps
    .globl __restore


.macro SAVE_GP n
    sd x\n, \n*8(sp)
.macro LOAD_GP n
    ld x\n, \n*8(sp)
    .section .text
    .globl __alltraps
    .globl __restore
    .align 2
    csrrw sp, sscratch, sp
    # now sp->kernel stack, sscratch->user stack
    # allocate a TrapContext on kernel stack
    addi sp, sp, -34*8
    # save general-purpose registers
    sd x1, 1*8(sp)
    # skip sp(x2), we will save it later
    sd x3, 3*8(sp)
    # skip tp(x4), application does not use it
    # save x5~x31
    .set n, 5
    .rept 27
        SAVE_GP %n
        .set n, n+1
    # we can use t0/t1/t2 freely, because they were saved on kernel stack
    csrr t0, sstatus
    csrr t1, sepc
    sd t0, 32*8(sp)
    sd t1, 33*8(sp)
    # read user stack from sscratch and save it on the kernel stack
    csrr t2, sscratch
    sd t2, 2*8(sp)
    # set input argument of trap_handler(cx: &mut TrapContext)
    mv a0, sp
    call trap_handler

    # case1: start running app by __restore
    # case2: back to U after handling trap
    mv sp, a0
    # now sp->kernel stack(after allocated), sscratch->user stack
    # restore sstatus/sepc
    ld t0, 32*8(sp)
    ld t1, 33*8(sp)
    ld t2, 2*8(sp)
    csrw sstatus, t0
    csrw sepc, t1
    csrw sscratch, t2
    # restore general-purpuse registers except sp/tp
    ld x1, 1*8(sp)
    ld x3, 3*8(sp)
    .set n, 5
    .rept 27
        LOAD_GP %n
        .set n, n+1
    # release TrapContext on kernel stack
    addi sp, sp, 34*8
    # now sp->kernel stack, sscratch->user stack
    csrrw sp, sscratch, sp


[rustsbi] RustSBI version 0.3.1, adapting to RISC-V SBI v1.0.0
.______       __    __      _______.___________.  _______..______   __
|   _  \     |  |  |  |    /       |           | /       ||   _  \ |  |
|  |_)  |    |  |  |  |   |   (----`---|  |----`|   (----`|  |_)  ||  |
|      /     |  |  |  |    \   \       |  |      \   \    |   _  < |  |
|  |\  \----.|  `--'  |.----)   |      |  |  .----)   |   |  |_)  ||  |
| _| `._____| \______/ |_______/       |__|  |_______/    |______/ |__|
[rustsbi] Implementation     : RustSBI-QEMU Version 0.2.0-alpha.2
[rustsbi] Platform Name      : riscv-virtio,qemu
[rustsbi] Platform SMP       : 1
[rustsbi] Platform Memory    : 0x80000000..0x88000000
[rustsbi] Boot HART          : 0
[rustsbi] Device Tree Region : 0x87000000..0x87000f02
[rustsbi] Firmware Address   : 0x80000000
[rustsbi] Supervisor Address : 0x80200000
[rustsbi] pmp01: 0x00000000..0x80000000 (-wr)
[rustsbi] pmp02: 0x80000000..0x80200000 (---)
[rustsbi] pmp03: 0x80200000..0x88000000 (xwr)
[rustsbi] pmp04: 0x88000000..0x00000000 (-wr)
[kernel] Hello, world!
[kernel] num_app = 5
[kernel] app_0 [0x8020a038, 0x8020b360)
[kernel] app_1 [0x8020b360, 0x8020c730)
[kernel] app_2 [0x8020c730, 0x8020dcd8)
[kernel] app_3 [0x8020dcd8, 0x8020f090)
[kernel] app_4 [0x8020f090, 0x80210440)
[kernel] Loading app_0
Hello, world!
[kernel] Application exited with code 0
[kernel] Loading app_1
Into Test store_fault, we will insert an invalid store operation...
Kernel should kill this application!
[kernel] PageFault in application, kernel killed it.
[kernel] Loading app_2
3^10000=5079(MOD 10007)
3^20000=8202(MOD 10007)
3^30000=8824(MOD 10007)
3^40000=5750(MOD 10007)
3^50000=3824(MOD 10007)
3^60000=8516(MOD 10007)
3^70000=2510(MOD 10007)
3^80000=9379(MOD 10007)
3^90000=2621(MOD 10007)
3^100000=2749(MOD 10007)
Test power OK!
[kernel] Application exited with code 0
[kernel] Loading app_3
Try to execute privileged instruction in U Mode
Kernel should kill this application!
[kernel] IllegalInstruction in application, kernel killed it.
[kernel] Loading app_4
Try to access privileged CSR in U Mode
Kernel should kill this application!
[kernel] IllegalInstruction in application, kernel killed it.
All applications completed!


#[link_section = ".text.entry"]
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
    panic!("unreachable after sys_exit!");


  1. 因为触发了异常而退出
  2. 直接由exit(main());退出



本文地址: http://www.shuzixingkong.net/article/597
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前言: 学习ComfyUI是一场持久战,而 ComfyUI Impact 是一个庞大的模块节点库,内置许多非常实用且强大的功能节点 ,例如检测器、细节强化器、预览桥、通配符、Hook、图片发送器、图片接收器等等。通过这些节点的组合运用,我们可以实现的工作有很多,例如自动人脸检测和优化修复、区域增强、
ComfyUI插件:ComfyUI Impact 节点(四) ComfyUI插件:ComfyUI Impact 节点(四) ComfyUI插件:ComfyUI Impact 节点(四)
bigtop编译 资源说明: 软件及代码镜像 开发包镜像 github访问 编译相关知识 技术知识 bigtop编译流程及经验总结 各模块编译难度及大概耗时(纯编译耗时,不包含下载文件和排错时间) centos 真机编译branch-3.2 硬件说明: 编译步骤 下载代码并切换分支 国内镜像配置 基