一、从ECMA-335 Spec说起
二、Call V.S Callvirt
A method that is associated with an instance of the type is either an instance method or a virtual method (see §I.8.4.4). When they are invoked, instance and virtual methods are passed the instance on which this invocation is to operate (known as this or a this pointer).
The fundamental difference between an instance method and a virtual method is in how the implementation is located. An instance method is invoked by specifying a class and the instance method within that class. Except in the case of instance methods of generic types, the object passed as this can be null (a special value indicating that no instance is being specified) or an instance of any type that inherits (see §I.8.9.8) from the class that defines the method. A virtual
method can also be called in this manner. This occurs, for example, when an implementation of a virtual method wishes to call the implementation supplied by its base class. The CTS allows this to be null inside the body of a virtual method.A virtual or instance method can also be called by a different mechanism, a virtual call. Any type that inherits from a type that defines a virtual method can provide its own implementation of that method (this is known as overriding, see §I.8.10.4). It is the exact type of the object (determined at runtime) that is used to decide which of the implementations to invoke.
上面这段文字节选自Common Language Infrastructure (CLI),我来简单总结一下:
using System.Reflection.Emit; Invoke(CreateInvoker(OpCodes.Call, "Foo")); Invoke(CreateInvoker(OpCodes.Call, "Bar")); Invoke(CreateInvoker(OpCodes.Callvirt, "Foo")); Invoke(CreateInvoker(OpCodes.Callvirt, "Bar")); static void Invoke(Action<Foobar?> invoker) { try { invoker(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } static Action<Foobar?> CreateInvoker(OpCode opcode, string methodName) { DynamicMethod foo = new DynamicMethod( name: "Invoke", returnType: typeof(void), parameterTypes: [typeof(Foobar)]); var il = foo.GetILGenerator(); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); il.Emit(opcode,typeof(Foobar).GetMethod(methodName)!); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); return (Action<Foobar?>)foo.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<Foobar?>)); } public class Foobar { public void Foo() => Console.WriteLine(this is null); public virtual void Bar() => Console.WriteLine(this is null); }
如上面的代码片段所示,Foobar类中定义了Foo和Bar两个实例方法,前者为常规方法,后者为虚方法。CreateInvoker方法根据指定的方法调用指令和方法名创建了一个动态方法(DynamicMethod ),进而创建出调用指定方法的Action<Foobar> 委托。Invoke方法会在Try/Catch中执行指定Action<Foobar>委托,以确定方法调用是否成功完成。演示程序先后四次调用Invoke方法,分别演示了以Call/Callvirt指令调用常规方法/虚方法,如下所示的输出结果证实了我们的结论。
using System.Reflection.Emit; Invoke(Foo); Invoke(Bar); static void Foo(Foobar? foobar) => foobar!.Foo(); static void Bar(Foobar? foobar) => foobar!.Bar(); static void Invoke(Action<Foobar?> invoker) { try { invoker(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } public class Foobar { public void Foo() => Console.WriteLine(this is null); public virtual void Bar() => Console.WriteLine(this is null); }
.method assembly hidebysig static void '<<Main>$>g__Foo|0_0' ( class Foobar foobar ) cil managed { .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute::.ctor(uint8) = ( 01 00 02 00 00 ) .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) // Method begins at RVA 0x20b2 // Header size: 1 // Code size: 8 (0x8) .maxstack 8 // foobar!.Foo(); IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: callvirt instance void Foobar::Foo() // } IL_0006: nop IL_0007: ret } // end of method Program::'<<Main>$>g__Foo|0_0'
.method assembly hidebysig static void '<<Main>$>g__Bar|0_1' ( class Foobar foobar ) cil managed { .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute::.ctor(uint8) = ( 01 00 02 00 00 ) .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) // Method begins at RVA 0x20bb // Header size: 1 // Code size: 8 (0x8) .maxstack 8 // foobar!.Bar(); IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: callvirt instance void Foobar::Bar() // } IL_0006: nop IL_0007: ret } // end of method Program::'<<Main>$>g__Bar|0_1'
.method assembly hidebysig static void '<<Main>$>g__Invoke|0_2' ( class [System.Runtime]System.Action`1<class Foobar> invoker ) cil managed { .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) .param [1] .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute::.ctor(uint8[]) = ( 01 00 02 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 ) // Method begins at RVA 0x20c4 // Header size: 12 // Code size: 31 (0x1f) .maxstack 2 .locals init ( [0] class [System.Runtime]System.Exception ex ) // { IL_0000: nop .try { // { IL_0001: nop // invoker(null); IL_0002: ldarg.0 IL_0003: ldnull IL_0004: callvirt instance void class [System.Runtime]System.Action`1<class Foobar>::Invoke(!0) // (no C# code) IL_0009: nop // } IL_000a: nop IL_000b: leave.s IL_001e } // end .try catch [System.Runtime]System.Exception { // catch (Exception ex) IL_000d: stloc.0 // { IL_000e: nop // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); IL_000f: ldloc.0 IL_0010: callvirt instance string [System.Runtime]System.Exception::get_Message() IL_0015: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string) // (no C# code) IL_001a: nop // } IL_001b: nop IL_001c: leave.s IL_001e } // end handler IL_001e: ret } // end of method Program::'<<Main>$>g__Invoke|0_2'
static void Do(Foobar foobar) => foobar.Do(); public struct Foobar { public void Do() { } }
.method assembly hidebysig static void '<<Main>$>g__Do|0_0' ( valuetype Foobar foobar ) cil managed { .custom instance void [System.Runtime]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) // Method begins at RVA 0x2064 // Header size: 1 // Code size: 9 (0x9) .maxstack 8 // foobar.Do(); IL_0000: ldarga.s foobar IL_0002: call instance void Foobar::Do() // } IL_0007: nop IL_0008: ret } // end of method Program::'<<Main>$>g__Do|0_0'
static string ToString(object? instance) => instance?.ToString() ?? "N/A";
static string ToString(object? instance) => ((instance != null) ? instance.ToString() : null) ?? "N/A";
public static class FoobarExtesnions { public static void ExtendedMethod(this Foobar foobar) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(foobar, nameof(foobar)); ... } }